Ice Cream Maker!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
So hubby talked his mom into getting him an ice cream maker for father's day. Actually, the kiddo talked her into it, she just labeled it for daddy though it was really for all of us.

Anyways... its this cuisinart:

So far I made a vanilla custard with duck eggs and vanilla beans... it was AMAZING! Tonight I'm making cookies and cream (again, custard style with the duck egg yolks).

I came here to see if anyone has a to die for recipe for us to try? We're totally going to get fat with this thing!!!!!!



Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Here's some of mine, as Dew promised:

Chocolate Ice Cream

makes 3-4 quarts

1 cup cocoa powder
6 cups half and half
2 cups heavy cream
16 egg yolks
3 cups sugar
4 tsp vanilla

In a large sauce pan combine cocoa and one cup of half and half. Stir to combine then add rest of half and half and cream.

Scald the cream mixture (heat it just until you see bubbles forming at the edges), remove from heat.

In a mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar to combine.

Temper the egg yolks by slowly adding the hot cream, a few drops at a time, stirring constantly. Once you have whisked in about 2/3 of the hot cream into egg mixture, add all of the egg back into the sauce pan.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thermometer reads 170-175 or mixture is thick and coats the back of a wooden spoon.

Pour custard into a container and allow to cool at room temperature. Stir in the vanilla and continue cooling.

Once room temperature, place covered into the fridge and chill several hours or overnight.

Process in your ice cream maker according to the instructions.
Freeze ice cream for several hours until hard.

French Vanilla Ice Cream

16 large eggs yolks
1-1/2 cup sugar
6 cups half and half
2 cups heavy cream
Pinch of fine salt
2 T vanilla

In a medium bowl, lightly whisk together the yolks and half of the sugar.
In a non-reactive saucepan combine the cream, 4 cups of the half and half, the remaining sugar, and the salt.
Heat the cream over medium-high heat until scalded (bubbles forming around the edges). Remove from the heat. Gradually pour the hot liquid into the yolks, while whisking constantly. Return the cream-egg mixture to the saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring the mixture constantly, with a wooden spoon in a figure-8 motion, until thickened, about 10 minutes. When the ice cream mixture is properly cooked it should coat the back of a spoon (170-175), be satiny thick, and be free of any bubbles on the surface. (If you taste the ice cream base it should have a slight egg-y taste.) When thickened, pour in the reserved milk to prevent the mixture from overcooking. Add the vanilla and stir.
Pour into a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place into fridge until chilled (overnight). Freeze the base in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. (Take care not to over churn the ice cream or it will get a grainy texture.) Transfer the ice cream to the freezer to set up for at least 1 hour. Serve.

Mint Chocolate Chip

16 large eggs yolks
1-1/2 cup sugar
6 cups half and half
2 cups heavy cream
Pinch of fine salt
1 T Mint extract (more or less to taste)
2 T Green food coloring (more or less as desired)
1 Pound chocolate chips (semi-sweet is best)
1 T vanilla

In a medium bowl, lightly whisk together the yolks and half of the sugar.
In a non-reactive saucepan combine the cream, 4 cups of the half and half, the remaining sugar, and the salt.
Heat the cream over medium-high heat until scalded (bubbles forming around the edges). Remove from the heat. Gradually pour the hot liquid into the yolks, while whisking constantly. Return the cream-egg mixture to the saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring the mixture constantly, with a wooden spoon in a figure-8 motion, until thickened, about 10 minutes. When the ice cream mixture is properly cooked it should coat the back of a spoon (170-175), be satiny thick, and be free of any bubbles on the surface. (If you taste the ice cream base it should have a slight egg-y taste.) When thickened, pour in the reserved milk to prevent the mixture from overcooking. Add the vanilla, mint extract and stir.
Pour into a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place into fridge until chilled (overnight). Once chilled, add food coloring and stir gently until combined. Freeze the base in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. (Take care not to over churn the ice cream or it will get a grainy texture.) Once churned, add chocolate chips and mix well.
Transfer the ice cream to the freezer to set up for at least 1 hour. Serve.

As you can see, most ice cream starts out the same way, with a good custard base. Flavorings are usually added after the custard has thickened. Any hard ingredients, such as chocolate chips, marshmallows, almonds etc, are added just after churning.

For French Vanilla chocolate chip, add chocolate chips after churning. Want Strawberry? Omit 1/2 of the Vanilla in the french vanilla recipe and add chopped strawberries after churning (If you want red strawberry ice cream, add 2 T red food coloring after thickening.

Some important tips:

Don't let the cream come to a boil. It changes the taste a lot.
Add the hot cream to the egg mixture very, very slowly! If you add it too fast, the eggs will curdle and you will have scrambled egg ice cream!
Don't over churn the ice cream. If you do, it will have a grainy texture.
Cover the ice cream with plastic wrap laid directly onto the mix, with all bubbles removed. Otherwise, it may form a "skin" as it cools.
Homemade ice cream gets rock hard when completely frozen. Plan accordingly.

bj taylor

Garden Ornament
Feb 26, 2013
Reaction score
North Central Texas
how do you know how much to churn and how much is too much?
I will volunteer to be a taste tester too! me me :ya


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
That's the real trick Bj. My ice cream maker (a cheapie) has a thermal switch that will turn it off automatically. Unfortunately, if you wait for that to happen, it's way too late. The lid on mine is semi-clear, so I can see into it. I watch for the volume to increase as it churns. Once I see it start to increase, I start checking it by opening the lid and doing a taste test. When it gets to the consistancy of soft serve, I stop it.


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
I want an ice cream maker!! I am deathly afraid to get one... I am sure we would end up 100 pounds overweight! I have never tasted anything as delicious as home made ice cream! Enjoy!


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
I'm with you Lesa. I too think I would gain weight and I work too hard to keep it off. I've never tasted homemade ice-cream! But I believe all of you when you say it's delish! Boy, there's a lot of things that I haven't tasted homemade. Like homegrown chicken, pickles, canned green beans, and so forth. :/


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