My Dad


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
@Gardening with Rabbits you certainly have your challenges too. I went through bone cancer with my Daddy, so I can empathize with you and @journey11. It is hard on the patient and hard on the care givers. It hurts, it twists you up and there is no relief. There is hope, but when that hope is dashed against the rocks, there is grief and despair. Finally, when every emotion has beaten you with everything but the kitchen sink, there is peace. You take your joy where you find it, the tiny moments, the flash of what once was, the person you love so much and can do nothing for except to love them and care for them.

Both of you are fighting the good fight. I pray for both of you.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits you certainly have your challenges too. I went through bone cancer with my Daddy, so I can empathize with you and @journey11. It is hard on the patient and hard on the care givers. It hurts, it twists you up and there is no relief. There is hope, but when that hope is dashed against the rocks, there is grief and despair. Finally, when every emotion has beaten you with everything but the kitchen sink, there is peace. You take your joy where you find it, the tiny moments, the flash of what once was, the person you love so much and can do nothing for except to love them and care for them.

Both of you are fighting the good fight. I pray for both of you.

Thank you for the prayers and kind words. I was a caregiver to an elderly aunt that we moved into our house after my dad died. It was hard on my mother. Then, later I was a caregiver to my mother with DB. I did not think I would be doing this so soon or ever.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Journey, I am a medical transcriptionist and I typed a report yesterday of a patient with steroid psychosis. Sounds just like some of what happened with your dad. I had never heard of it and I am now wondering if it is a cause of some of DH's personality changes.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
They're talking about moving Dad to hospice now. I feel peace about it, as I think it will be easier on him than rehab/long-term care and he is getting close to the end apparently. And that is what I sensed. Looking back on the past few weeks, I can put together many little things I had dismissed, but I don't think he was feeling as well as he let on. I think maybe he didn't miss his meds, or not many at least. I think this thing was hiding behind the steroid and just made its appearance. It really began in January, when we had to get the steroid then. I've been sick the past 3 days with the flu or something (although I had my flu shot!) It has been hard on me not to be able to be there at the hospital, camping out, waiting for doctors to tell me something, but I think God needed to show me that this was out of my hands--in His hands--all along. I did all I could for Dad, while he was living and while it still mattered. I'm a little better today and my grandmother came in to see Dad, so they're expecting me down there and my sister coming to pick me up. Thank you for all your love and support. I'll respond more to some of the posts above here soon.

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