Naming Puppy After A Hooker


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Our 3 year old granddaughter named the recent feeder pigs, Piper and Poodle. Then she named a setting hen Chick Chick. The 20 month old named the dog Beaux. Two dogs were already named, Paris and Polly. I named our male Great Pyrenees Trip because he was a Trip. Chickens get all kinds of names. All male lambs get castrated and named Dinner. Just picked up Dinner this morning, brought him home to that luxurious resort, Freezer Camp.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
Since the last dog is my husbands German Hunting dog and came from a kennel that breeds them. He was required to chose a name starting with W ?!?!? (Also needed to be German, thus we have a William) We had a cat named Tabitha (she was a tabby!) A big beige domestic shorthair cat, think the color of a gravel road (In Iowa) I Thought I would call him Dusty but went with FIDO ;) Grandson #2 was about 2 when the got a blue beta fish, he named it Blue Boogers ! Sister has floral themed names for her dogs, Chicory, Lily and Briar Rose. A friend had a Boston Terrier that wound up named Heyou Hey You!


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
I wonder how many babies have been named Stormy the last few months. I have a great niece named Stormi but she is in her 20's so she does not count. Needs to be a baby.

I don't pick pet's names, I leave that to my wife. She's going to do it anyway, why fight it. I do name the chickens, but I'm in a rut. All cockerels are named Stew and all pullets are named Dumpling.
Haha, talk about lack of creativity.



Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
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Some kid at the pet store named Leia for me. I'd just gotten her, and was literally getting essentials immediately following a flea bath. (Couldn't bring her home until the fleas were gone. Bombing my car was annoying enough.)

The previous owners had called her "Chaka." Leia literally cringed every time the word was said, so I promised her that would be the second thing to go. After the fleas.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Chaka....we had a calico kitty named Chaka. How we got there is a story unto itself.

My husband had 2 older brothers stricken by polio and it left them mentally retarded. One had passed away before we married, the younger of the two was bedridden by the time I married my husband. His mother took care of her boys for their lifetimes.

We had gone to see his mother and brother, Jimmy. I walked in with a carton of chocolate milk. Jimmy started smacking his lips and saying Choc, Choc, Choc. His mother asked if she could give him some, of course I agreed. She held the glass for him and he drank deeply. He came up for air, smacking his lips, saying choc. Then he got a silly grin and crowed CHOC-A-DOO-DOO! We all burst out laughing while his mother scolded, but even she had to laugh.

Fast forward months later. We had just bought 16 acres and were out there looking at it, when I heard a tiny sound. I walked away from everyone to listen, heard it, walked further and here came a 4 week old calico kitten, struggling to get over clumps of grass. She heard us talking and was doing her best to get to us. I picked her up, my husband started yelling NO! NO! WE DON'T NEED A CAT! NO! Naturally he lost and the tiny puff ball of vari-colored fur came home with us. Names were thrown out all the way home and rejected. I remembered Jimmy and belted out CHAKA-DOO-DOO! We laughed at the memory of Jimmy, the silly name and decided on Chaka.

Chaka took up immediately with our daughter's mini wiener dog, Barkley. Barkley was less than a year old, but lost no time in bringing down milk and adopting the tiny kitten. Chaka finally grew bigger than Barkley and was able to push with her paws to roll Barkley over so she could nurse. Barkley needed a break, so we kept them separate so Barkley could dry up.

Chaka had a long life with us. She came in one night after being missing for days, with chewed up, infected leg. I popped her in a pet carrier and took her to the vet the next morning. She had to have that leg amputated. She got along well on 3 legs and continued on with her life. I came in one night, didn't see her laying in the garage and ran over her. Took her straight to the vet where he pronounced her too broken up to fix, so we put her down. I felt terrible for killing my cat.

So that is the story of Chaka-Doo-Doo and how she got her name.

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