What climber will grow directly under a walnut tree?

Trish Stretton

Deeply Rooted
Jul 26, 2018
Reaction score
South Waikato New Zealand
Plants Tolerant of Juglone

Common Name

Botanical Name

Actinida, bower Actinidia arguta
Ajuga Ajugia pyramidalis
Alumroot Heuchera sp.
Anemone Anemone apennia
Bean (lima, snap) Phaseolus sp.
Beet Beta vulgaris
Bellwort Uvalaria sp.
Bluegrass, Kentucky Poa pratensis
Burning Bush Euonymus alatus
Carrot, wild Daucus carota
Catalpa, southern Catalpa bignonioides
Cedar, eastern Red Juniperus virginiana
Cherry, sour Prunus cerasus
Chickweed Stellaria media
Clematis Clematis sp.
Corn, sweet Zea mays
Creeping Charlie (ground ivy) Glechoma hederacea
Cyclamen Cyclamen persicum
Daffodil Narrcissus pseudonarcissus
Daisy, shasta Leucanthemum sp.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Daylily Hemerocallis sp.
Elm Ulmus sp.
Euonymus, winged ‘Gaiety’ Euonymus alatus ‘Gaiety’
Fern, Christmas Polystichum sp.
Fern, lady Bulbinopsis bulbosa
Fescue Festuca sp.
Forsythia Forsythia sp.
Grape Vitis sp.
Grass, orchard Dactylis glomerata
Grass, redtop… Agrostis gigantea
Hawthorn Crataegus sp.
Hemlock Tsuga sp.
Hemlock, poison Conium maculatum
Hickory Carya sp.
Honeysuckle Lonicera sp.
Hosta Hosta sp.
Hydrangea, wild Hydrangea sp.
Iris Iris x germanica
Jack-in-the-pulpit Arissema triphyllum
Juniper Juniperus sp.
Juniper, Arcadia Juniperus arcadia
Lilac Syringa sp.
Liriope Liriope sp.
Locust, black Robinia pseudoacacia
Maples, most types Acer sp.
May Apple Podophyllum emodi
Meadow Rue Thalictrum sp.
Mock Orange Philadelphus sp.
Narcissus Narcissus sp.
Nightshade Solanym aviculare
Oak Quercus sp.
Olive, autumn Elaeagnus umbellata
Onion Allium cepa
Ostrich Fern Maltcuria struthiopteris
Pachysandra Pachysandra sp.
Parsnip Pastinaca sativa
Pawpaw Asimina sp.
Periwinkle (myrtle) Vinca minor
Persimmon Diospyros virginiana
Phlox Phlox sp.
Poison Ivy Rhus radicans
Primrose Primula vulgaris
Quince Pseudocydonia oblonga
Raspberry, black Rubus occidentalis
Redbud Cercis canadensis
Rose, wild Rosa sp.
Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum odoratum
Soybean Glycine max.
Speedwell, creeping Veronica filiformis
Sycamore Platanus occidentalis
Timothy Phleum pratense
Trillium Trillium sp.
Violet, dogtooth (Trout lily) Erythronium americanum
Viburnum Viburnum sp.
Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Walnut Juglans sp.
Wheat Triticum sp.
White Clover Trifolium repens
Wood Sorel, creeping Oxalis corniculata
Zinnia Zinnia elega

Yes Clematis, I wonder if our native variety will be okay here.
Somebody just told me that by planting a Mulberry tree it helps; how do you say this?;... defuse ? lessen the problem.
hmm, soy beans, I did want to have another go at growing these.....

Very much apreciated!!!
Thank you


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I counted 3 climbers in Ducks list, clematis, honeysuckle, and Virginia creeper.

clematis have so many colors/varieties but might be hard to find. i don't know how well any of them do when shaded.

i'd never willingly plant VC any more than it is already around here (and having gotten rid of it after extensive manual removal).

i have no experience with climbing honeysuckles, but the idea is giving me nightmares after seeing what bush versions are like (i think we have three types, white, pink and orange flowers). when the berries are on and have been going for a bit the birds actually seem to get drunk on them.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
clematis have so many colors/varieties but might be hard to find. i don't know how well any of them do when shaded.

i'd never willingly plant VC any more than it is already around here (and having gotten rid of it after extensive manual removal).

There are a lot of clems that will grow in shade, some prefer it.

I agree about Virginia creeper, definitely not for a small space/trellis.

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