Range Wars. . first blood


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Let him mow away. Smile and wave.

IF FEELING ONERY, I would express I'd like to see some fruit trees there to him while thanking him for mowing my property.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Okay! By know ya'll know how frustrated I am at all that's been going on here. Doubbly so since there seems to be little I can do to speed up the final Court papers.

Now, let me run this up the flagpole and see how it waves:

Two days ago the sharecropper for the neighbor next door cut our part of the alfalfa. I realize that he didn't know he was trespassing and I have no fight with that man. However, I did call him to advise him that the case had been settled by the Court and if he came on the land to harvest the alfalfa he would be trespassing.

My guess is that he contacted the neighbor. If so, the neighbor probably told him the sheriff wouldn't do anything about the trespass because they consider this case still in dispute until the Court papers are in hand.

Well, how does :accessory to theft before and after the fact" as well as "receiving stolen property" sound? I got thinking -- as my renter is baling our hay -- that removing the alfalfa from my land that is theft. The man baling testified in Court that he had no agreement with me to "plant or harvest [my] land". This now legally being my land (again), can I not have the neighbor charged with those crimes?

I am thinking that they might even consider ceding the remaining 11' 3" feet of field to us in order to avoid the costs of court, attorney fees, and publicity. (And have them making the move to sell even sooner than they had planned.)

I hate the thought that the farmer will be caught in the middle of this, and I will do whatever I can to keep him out of it, but he was informed (warned) and my neighbor IS NOT HIS FRIEND if he encourages baling the hay.

Right now, all this is speculation. The alfalfa is still in the field. BUT. . . . . How does it sound to you all? "Hell hath no fury" and all that, you know. They started this whole mess but I fully intend to finish it.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Meanwhile, DS, DH, and I are planning to start putting fence posts in near (but on our side) of the boundary line. I already called the officer who was here yesterday to apologize for another problem with the two properties, but I CAN prove I own the land and the neighbor can not prove ownership.

Once the fence is up, THEY will have to prove the fence is on their property. We don't have to prove the fence is on ours. The officers cannot order us to take it down, merely cite us for trespass if the neighbor can prove we are on his property. THEY can't! That means they will get the survey I can't have done, and they will get it sooner than I could have been able to.

DH is concerned that where ever we put the fence will be considered the boundary line. In Court the Judge stated that property owners can put fence posts anywhere on their property they want without it meaning anything other than the owners wanted to put fence posts in that spot so the future survey won't be concerned with anything other than what is lawful according to our deed and the Judge's ruling.

I feel like getting some material, pictures of snake or two, and making a flag.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
@Smart Red Normally, I'd be the hot head. I'd just sit back, mutter to myself and wait for court in writing. Once there. I'd do as I saw fit.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Seedcorn, I am NOT a hot head. I am stuborn, bull-headed, determined, and frustrated to the Nth power, yes, but I am not hot-headed, irate, or even angry with the neighbors.

Once this is over, I can easily reside next door to these people for another 16 years with no animosity on my part. While I agree with my son when he said I'd be living rent free in their heads as long as they live where they can see me going about my daily life in my Pollyanna world, they will have no place in mine -- 11' 3" of field not withstanding -- I had never really cared about nor expected the footage in the field.

My goal in pursuing their suit was to clear my DH's name of all the slanderous lies they had set down in papers to the Court. Retaining the land was a bonus in my eyes. Once the entire affair is behind me I'll not give another thought to what was, should, or could have been.

However, they started this "after the Court declaration" game by calling the sheriff once again. So, if I am going to play their game while we wait for another "final" resolution, I'm going to play to win. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. Ya'll should know by now that I am just a sweet little thing.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Meanwhile. . . . . . "my" hay has been turned into their furrows and baling should begin later today. . . . . What is coming is just another valuable "life lesson" for the neighbors.
:thumbsup Education is power!

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Red, just don't get caught up in the adrenaline rush and end up being as petty and vindictive as they seem to be.
Remember how angry everyone is now days; any small thing you do for vengeance can really be blown out of proportion and they could retaliate 10-fold.
Document, take photographs, watch and listen, but keep in mind that they may not be in their right mind.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Thank you, so lucky. There is no adrenaline rush. Just the one at Court a week ago Wednesday. I am calm. I am not feeling vindictive (okay, I do feel a bit foolish). Is there any good reason for the neighbors to break the law and steal from me with impunity? He thinks it a very good joke on me, knowing the sheriff won't do a thing about the trespass, to tell his "friend" it is okay to bale my hay and put it into the neighbor's loft. Theft is another thing entirely.

Documents, photographs, watching and listening for what?
Right now I am documenting, photographing, watching and listening and he/they are in my field, stealing property the Court said is mine without question. The relatively "innocent" farmer, I feel sorry for. Still, I did take the time to warn him first. Must I invite him over to bale the rest of my land?

Nope, I am an educator. I tried for two years to educate these people about our property lines. I tried to educate their attorney about our property lines. A Judge in a courtroom tried to educate these people about State property laws. Perhaps the Sheriff can get through where we have failed.

I am not being vindictive, it is more that I am done being a floor mat.

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