Grandparent bragging


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Bob you should be very proud of your family. What was the country your family had to flee during the war ?
Lithuania, during WW2 with just shirts on our backs, being shot at at every turn and living off the land .


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Have you ever visited
No, I haven't ... too dangerous for relatives that were deported to Siberia. You never know what the communists will impose on anyone with connections to the Western countries even today. We have received secrative coded word that several cousins are still alive , but we can't communicate with them. May I humbly suggest that we all think long and hard regarding the progressives spouting how great their visions for this country are.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Lithuania, during WW2 with just shirts on our backs, being shot at at every turn and living off the land .
No, I haven't ... too dangerous for relatives that were deported to Siberia. You never know what the communists will impose on anyone with connections to the Western countries even today. We have received secrative coded word that several cousins are still alive , but we can't communicate with them. May I humbly suggest that we all think long and hard regarding the progressives spouting how great their visions for this country are.

Lithuania has a long and ancient history. Do you have family members here in the US? How sad that you cannot contact family members in Siberia for fear of reprisals on them. Do you have any living family members still in Lithuania or were the survivors deported to Siberia? I have always thought you to be a very interesting man with a deep experience in life that we can't even begin to imagine.

I wish the people voting for far left progressives would go live in communist or socialist countries......and stay there.....:duc


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I don't consider myself far left progressive, there are many things the far left pushes for that I don't agree with, but I have worked and lived in a former communist country for two years, Kazahkstan. That was about 10 years after they got their independence from Russia. They were not a thriving democracy and the President soon became president for life. One of his relatives will probably become the next president for life. A lot of corruption and suppression. I'm not a fan of communism. It is a brutal oppressive form of government that grinds people down. Notice I did say brutal.

I also lived two years in Denmark, a highly socialist country. They had a thriving democracy, a high standard of living, and as much personal freedom as we do. They had their millionaires and small businesses too. They had their problems, all countries do, but most of the propaganda your read about their socialist government doesn't ring true. I'm not sure their government system would work here, too many differences in the countries in population, resources, and tradition. I don't think direct comparisons work. But don't consider communism and socialism the same thing. They are not even close.

I don't care if it is a leftist or rightist regime. A suppressive oppressive regime grinds people down and has to rely on brutality to remain in power. That's why I am glad I was born in a country governed by the rule of law and not subjected to the whims of whomever happens to be in power. I believe as long as the constitution is defended by those who take an oath to defend it we'll be OK. That means the entire constitution that sets up our form of government, not just the Bill of Rights.

Why did I come home? Because it is home. I consider our country has been and still is great. If you want political animosity check out the campaigns between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. If you want mudslinging and an intensely personal campaign study Andrew Jackson's presidential elections. If you want corruption study President Grant and the Robber Barons. Grant himself was not considered corrupt but he and other presidents allowed it. If you want presidents who bent the constitution check out Lincoln and FDR. It hasn't always been easy and I don't expect it to be easy in the future, we have to keep fighting for the constitution. We've made it so far and I'm optimistic for our future. I expect our grandkids will have to keep fighting.

I also would love for Bob to chronicle his family's experiences, but he would have to be careful about naming names. He said he is still concerned about relatives back under today's system run by Putin. As Americans and so used to our freedom it's something that doesn't even cross our minds. But that is an example of how authoritarian regimes suppress people. They don't just threaten people, they are a real threat to relatives. It is easier to be brave if yo are the one threatened than if it is your family.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Lithuania has a long and ancient history. Do you have family members here in the US? How sad that you cannot contact family members in Siberia for fear of reprisals on them. Do you have any living family members still in Lithuania or were the survivors deported to Siberia? I have always thought you to be a very interesting man with a deep experience in life that we can't even begin to imagine.

I wish the people voting for far left progressives would go live in communist or socialist countries......and stay there.....:duc
Bay, I have several cousins and their kids living in the USA. Also, from the grapevine a cousin in Lithuania, the rest in Siberia that I have no idea if they are even alive now or not as its been almost 20 years ago since we last heard about their existence. As for writing a book ... it may not be written as memories of family and friends being tortured and executed for being land and business owners ( my father owned a large farm and was a
Veterinarian, My mother owned a farm as well as a general store , so prime for extreme servitude in Siberia or execution candidates ) and others being forced to work in factories as virtual slaves for life. I have seen with my own eyes when we were on the run in Poland where communist army lined up farm owners and their famlies shot them all and throw their bodies into farm wells and cesspool poty houses while I was hiding under a fire wood stack. Enough for now !


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
I just talked with our daughter in Cal. ... she said that her son, who is almost 19 years old now and attending College, had applied for Police Academy last spring ( over a hundred applicants) and took their physical skills and academic test requirements for acceptance for the police force. Well , yesterday he had a final interview and was asked why he applied to attend the Police Academy at 18 years old when he was told that an applicant had to be 21 to be hired on the Police Force. Evidently, his response was OK with the interviewer as he was impressed with his academic work and being an High School all star in Rugby in all of S. Cal. area that he was given a waiver ( which is very rare if ever) . Then was told to report for orientation tonight and start classes at the Police Academy in Jan.. He will again go back to and finish College after his training then go to work on the Police Force. Congratulations grandson ! :thumbsup

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