Recent content by I'm A Gardener :)

  1. I'm A Gardener :)

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    My African's leaves are shriveling up!!!!! It seems to keep on happening to the small ones.... Is it too bright? I moved it to a little bit of a darker spot, but not too much. Is it too moist or not moist enough? I keep it kinda wet, but not too much. I water it from below, the roots seem to...
  2. I'm A Gardener :)

    Post your Vegetable Garden Pics

    Trunkman- I just planted 5 strawberry plantlings this morning!!! Can't wait for them to give me some strawberries!!!!!!!
  3. I'm A Gardener :)

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I planted... 10 ever-bearing strawberry roots from WalMart A row of swiss chard seeds I also mulched everything with some hay :)
  4. I'm A Gardener :)

    The Great Cold Frame Experiment

    I had a cold frame until my dad filled it with soil and made it a raised bed. This year, however, I made one with an old window for the light, wood on the sides, and then black roofing paper on the bottom to keep the weeds out. Haven't planted anything in it yet. I will be using the containers...
  5. I'm A Gardener :)

    White pine babies

    Do you think I could take cuttings from a christmas tree then grow them? I'm assuming that's what white pines are :P
  6. I'm A Gardener :)

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    The ground is still pretty frozen, even though we have beds to garden in..... Maybe in the afternoon they will thaw out and I could plant em'!!!! I'm pretty excited about it!
  7. I'm A Gardener :)

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I bought some swiss chard seeds, and was wondering.... Can you transplant it, or should you sow them directly where they should stay? Thanks!
  8. I'm A Gardener :)

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    I've heard you can use a toothbrush or a small brush to take off the dust... I need to do that soon!!!! I've also heard that water on the leaves creates spots!!!! PS I'm gonna try an orchid soon!
  9. I'm A Gardener :)

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    African Violets (Well I just bought one :P )
  10. I'm A Gardener :)

    Starting Basil From Cuttings...

    Well, the basil hasn't died, but then again it hasn't rooted either.... However I think it'll start soon!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I'm A Gardener :)

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    I want the first one from this website, the AC with numbers next to it :P
  12. I'm A Gardener :)

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    Yep, I read up on them quite a bit so then I can keep its pretty flowers alive :D :fl Any yes, it is a mini. The fancy name for it is "Optimitra (sp?) Azurite Mini" from woodhill greenhouses!!!!!!!! I love it, they're such pretty flowers!!!
  13. I'm A Gardener :)

    I got an Amaryllis bulb!....

    Seems like you guys know a lot about amaryllis's..... I bought a bulb in November (Towards the end) and it has fully grown, has 7 GIANT leaves that are each 1-1 3/4 feet long.... IT. WON'T. BLOOM. I don't know why!!! It's in a sunny window, is perfectly fine, is still growing new leaves, but...
  14. I'm A Gardener :)

    African Violet Thread!!!!

    This is a thread for discussing, posting pics, etc. of African Violets.... I'll start!!! I just picked my first one up this morning.... It's super tiny (2 1/2 inch pot)!!!!!!!!