Search results

  1. S

    Planting cantaloupe & watermelon

    Well, I LOVE cantaloupe, but don't like watermelon nor honeydew, which to me tastes a lot like watermelon. I remember reading once that most people who don't like watermelon, also dislike cucumbers. That is true for me, and most watermelon-haters I have questioned. Odd.
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    Craters in my Asian pears

    I bought a semi dwarf from Stark Brothers several years ago but I don't remember which variety. It produced fruit the 3rd year and has been going strong for about 6 years now. It self pollinates and produces numerous fruit with few spot. Asian pears cost $1 each in the grocery and mine are...
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    Craters in my Asian pears

    Last winter was one of the most severe winters in my Zone 5 area ever. I had no peaches or cherries, which had fruited well in prior years, but I had numerous Asian pears on a tree that previously had been an outstanding performer. This year, however, there were lots of fruit, but almost all...
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    All all Crabapples edible?

    I have a tree on my property, which I did not plant, that has been called by others, an "ornamental crabapple" tree. This year it is thick with marble sized red fruit. I was thinking from my childhood that crabapples typically were closer to golf ball size. Should I have any reluctance to...
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    Strawberries Aren't Very Sweet

    We have had a lot of rain, but the raised beds drain quite well. Who knows?
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    Strawberries Aren't Very Sweet

    Several years ago, before the strawberries, I added horse manure with lime from the stalls. Ever since I have been trying to reduce the Ph but it still tends towards alkaline, so you may have nailed the problem. Thanks.
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    Strawberries Aren't Very Sweet

    I have Allstar berries in a raised bed, Zone 5. I just got the first quart from my 2nd year plants. They are a lovely red,nicely formed, and solid throughout but they aren't very sweet. Is this most likely due to the variety, or to growing conditions?
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    Crawfish castle in my raised bed

    Very funny! :clap
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    Crawfish castle in my raised bed

    I never see the offenders, just their handywork. Maybe they do their building at night?
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    Crawfish castle in my raised bed

    I have a crawfish (aka crawdad) in my raised blueberry bed. It is a good 30 yards from the pond. I just built the bed this spring. I keep removing the mud "castles" and filling the holes with pine bark mulch, but he/she won't leave. Any ideas how I might get rid of it? I hope the bed is...
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    Spaghetti Sauce processing times

    Oh no, why should I have added lemon juice?
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    Spaghetti Sauce processing times

    Are you suggesting that in the jars it likely will take some time (weeks or months) before contamination will set in and freezing will arrest this? I don't quite understand the science behind why if the sauce is sealed in the jars, and not contaminated now, that down the road there might be a...
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    Spaghetti Sauce processing times

    I made 13 quarts of spaghetti sauce with Mrs. Wages mix 7 days ago. I now realize that I processed the jars only 20 minutes in the water bath canner rather than the 45 minutes indicated on the package. My question is - is it too late to re-process these quarts in the water bath canner. All...
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    Favorite pole bean?

    I had great success this year with Rattlesnake. Prior two years I grew Kentucky Wonder. I got bigger harvests with KW, but I could never seem to pick them soon enough to avoid stringyness. I fascinates me how the coloration on the Rattlesnake beans disappears when you cook them.
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    I over fertilized my tomatoes

    Thanks Hoodat. I sure wish you could bottle all your years of gardening experience and send it to me!
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    I over fertilized my tomatoes

    I lived in Johnson County from 1990 to 1998. I now am in Henry County (East Central).
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    I over fertilized my tomatoes

    I've been watering with a weak solution of organic fertilizer every week or two since I set out my plants, most of which are determinents. The plants are hugh and green and healthy looking with a lot of small fruit. The problem is, the plants are so vigorous very little sun will get to the...
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    Could you describe your arbors? I got carried away with a seed catalog and ordered 3 different seedless varieties. I'm tearing out some black raspberries that are diseased and thought I would replace them with the grapes. What was I thinking! Now I have arbors to build this spring.
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    Help me select a pole bean variety.

    I've seen them mentioned here often and think I'll give them a try next spring. How stringy are they? Must you string each one as you clean them? If so, are there many strings remaining after they are cooked?
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    Help me select a pole bean variety.

    I'm tired of Kentucky Wonder and want to try something new. I have had bountiful harvests, but I wound like to find something less stringy, still of the pole type. I went to this site and now I'm more confused then ever. I had never heard of half runners or...