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  1. R

    Prayer Plant help please!

    I bought a prayer plant on its last legs from Lowes. It did great when I replanted and actually started growing several new leaves. About 2 months later, the leaves don't reach skyward anymore and are droopy. I moved it closer to the window and it started turning brown on the edges. I moved...
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    Please Help with Prayer Plant

    I am having a slight issue with my prayer plant. It used to fold its leaves up so nicely each night. Now, for the past 3 days, it hasn't folded them up. The leaves look healthy except the ones towards the base of the pot are just "flopped" over. Is there anything I can do? I water nightly...
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    Office Plants

    I've been put in charge of the plants for our bank...but I have no idea what they are? 1. 2. 3. 4. Thanks for any help!! Gotta find info to care for them!
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    Ahh!! My poor mums! What can I do?!

    My mums have done this to me: It snowed and ALL of them flopped over. Is there anything I can do to save them? They are all on the ground. These photos were from today. Thanks for any help!
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    Turnips...when are they ready?

    I have some turnips growing outside. The tops are probably 12" tall. I can see the roots poking up just above the soil. They are the purple top with white bottom ones. The person I got seeds from said they can grow to be 6" across. Do I need to fertilize these with liquid fertilizer? They are...
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    Tomato Issues

    I carefully selected all of my tomatoes for salsa canning. Salsa is done and I would like to do my tomato paste canning... Thing is, almost all of my tomatoes have "burst" open while on the vine? Others have giant holes in them with a fungus-type thing growing. I was afraid it was blight, but...
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    How do I can stuff?

    I remember my dad would do his recipes, put the stuff in the cans and then put them into a giant thing of boiling water on the stove. Is that how it's done? The seal is activated in the hot water bath?? I'm also looking for a recipe for salsa. A recipe for a "small" amount of tomatoes, maybe...
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    What is Wrong with my Daylilies?

    I bought these lilies...they looked REALLY pretty. I planted them and got two gorgeous blooms. Now they are turning yellow. I watered every day for the first week while they took root and have started watering every 2 or 3 days, a really good soaking. Any ideas? They are in full sun with my...
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    Advice with Petunias?

    I just bought some gorgeous black petunias from Lowe's. This is my first run with an annual. Do I Have to keep buying new black petunias? Can I keep the plant alive inside all winter? Do they reseed before they die? Thanks for any help!
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    Flowers just planted! Zombies?

    I finally put in some flowers! Some Asian Daylilies, and my gorgeous Iris! You can't tell from the pic, but it's on a fairly steep slope. So drainage won't be an issue. The lilies were only $1 each bc they weren't in bloom. Should be gorgeous next year! :D
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    My First Garden! (pics!!)

    Hey all! Just wanted to give some pics of my garden! Please tell me if there is something I need to change! Onions, beans and sweet peas (made the trellis myself): Silver corn: Jalepeno: Mint (this thing was yellow when I got it!) : My tomato plants that look more like bushes...any idea...
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    My First Garden Attempt

    This year is my first time to try a garden. I've got spinach, leaf lettuce, tomatoes (1 Celebrity, 1 Better Boy, 1 Early Girl and 1 Patio), 1 jalapeo, 1 mint and countless onion, peas and green beans! So far lots of sprouts from everything! Also have some silver corn! Yummy!!! Hope it makes...
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    Will These Survive?

    I bought these sticks at big Lots for a dollar. Supposedly they are roses... Anyway, the packaging called one a Blue Boy and the other was a "Tropicana"? I've never seen them personally but I thought they were pretty online. I can't see any green before soaking them in water and one if the...
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    Can Someone help me with Irises?

    I would dearly love to get irises. Of course I have to want the weird ones: blacks, dark purples, oranges...but I've never grown them before. Does one rhizome give you one plant? How do you get more than one plant? I've read you can divide the rhizomes every 3-4 Where can I get...
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    Never had Roses Before!!

    We found a rose bush (poor thing) in our yard of the house we're buying. It has buds on it, a dark shade of Pink...Magenta? Anyway, it's been pruned to heck and alot of it is rotted through and dead-looking. I've weeded around it, fertilized it and have put some potting soil on it. I found a...
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    Turnips. Should I Trash 'Em?

    I've been growing these outside and the temps have started plummeting. I just set up an indoor "greenhouse" if you will. I didn't realize the seeds would take quite so well...all of them seem to have sprouted up and are co-mingling. Should I trash it and start over? Or risk damaging the...
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    What is my plant doing???

    The leaves seem to be coming towards the center of the plant? Is that normal? It almost reminds me of how an artichoke looks (as in the edible part) that looks like it's layered. This is what it looked like a few days ago: Is it that I'm misting it too much? Anything I'm doing wrong or is it...
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    $0.50 plant from Lowes

    Shame on me...I went to get potting soil for my turnips and wound up looking at the clearance rack. I figure since it's already dying, I can't blame myself for it dying on me. BUT, there was no tag on this pretty thing. It was $0.50 cents...dried out and not in a pot. Any ideas? The...
  19. R to grow?

    I have decided to try once more..before it's too late to grow something that I can eat. The tomato plants looked beautiful, just didn't get any fruit even though there were blooms galore. I've decided turnips (which taste SO good) might be a good last ditch effort. I've read that I need to...
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    Tomato Plant Too Leafy?

    I have the most gorgeous tomato plant. Issue is, I think there may be TOO many leaves on it. There has been a tomato on the vine growing for quite hasn't gotten any bigger or any redder. I have oodles of blooms, but no new tomato growth. Is there something I should be doing? I'm...