2021 Little Easy Bean Network - Bean Lovers Come Discover Something New !


Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
You say neither off type of Heilings will be grown. Any particular reason? Just me being inquisitive.
I got so many outcrosses to work with that I can't just keep saving them all. Black beans and mottled seed coats are probably two of the most frequent to keep showing up. I think those are both dominant types and will probably get more of the same by growing them. I'll save the most interesting seed coats in hopes they will stablize and be productive types as well. There was one new mottled seed coat and one black bean that I saved this year.


Garden Ornament
Sep 21, 2021
Reaction score
Indiana zone 5/6
Bluejay77's Big Bean Show
Day 13 - The Beans I Grew This Summer

Giele Waldbeantsje- Bush Dry

Acquired from a bean grower in the Netherlands. Also known as a Friesian heirloom from a region called Freisland. Also known in the Netherlands as the Yellow Forest Bean. Not all of this years beans turned such a yellow color as they usually do, but some seemed rather a very light cream tan. Could be the weather or soil this year.

Bear Lake Trout - Bush Dry

One of the many segregations from the Robert Lobitz beans that were left after his death in 2006. Unamed beans with just Robert's code numbers and letters. I acquired these beans from a fellow in Hartford, Kansas who started growing them in 2008 and didn't feel he making any progress with them. He got frustrated enough with them that he gave me the entire lot of what he had grown along some orignal seed of Roberts in 2015. This bean I believe has become stable. I have been naming these beans that I refer to them as Lobitz legacy beans. The same way that Robert had named his beans while he was living. Using names of towns, counties, rivers, creeks, lakes and other geological landmarks in his home state of Minnesota. Upon harvesting this beans new seed it is very white and it has taken up to about now for the beans coloration to cure to this point. I'll have allow some to cure for a long time at room temperature to see how deep the color of this bean can get.

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Giele Waldbeantsje......................................................Bear Lake Trout

Golden Valley - Bush Dry

Approximately 85 days to first dry pods. A Robert Lobitz orignal named bean. He first released this bean to the public through the Seed Savers Exchange yearbook in the early 2000's. Productive plants grow to about 18 inches in height. 6 inch solid green pods average 5 seeds per pod.

Grandma's Shell - Bush Dry

Productive red horticultural variety grows without runners. Large plump oval dark red seed mottled with light tan. Dries pods a little later than most early dry bean types. My first encounter with this bean was from John Withee's Wanigan Associates bean network in the late 1970's. John listed his source for the bean in his bean collection notes as June Bester of Butler, Pennsylvania.

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Golden Valley....................................................................Grandma's Shell
I had similarities with Giele Waldbeanstje. They were sort of lethargic and didnt handle the extreme July rains this year very well. All basically that light tan seed color.


Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
Bluejay77's Big Bean Show
Day 15 - The Beans I Grew This Summer

Idaho Refugee - Bush Snap

5 to 6 inch green stringless pods. Blossom Pink. Plants very productive, viney with lots of branches, tall, spreading and grows short tendrils at the top of it's growth but does not climb Idaho Refugee was bred by Walter Pierce and J.C. Walker. A mosaic resistant bush type released through the University of Idaho. An All American Selections winner in 1934. One of the first BCMV resistant varieties created as the result of deliberate breeding. A joint breeding program between the University of Idaho and Wisconsin. Parentage is Corbett Refugee and Stringless Green Refugee. Idaho Refugee is often used in the breeding of newer snap bean varieties.

Illinois Giant - Pole Lima

Received this bean from Pam Quackenbush at the Nobelsville, Indiana seed swap in January 2020. Not the Illinois Giant I had known developed by an Illinois Seed Saver Exchange member and traded through the yearbook since the early 1980's. The first Illinois Giant I ever saw looked much like Christmas lima. This bean looks much like Madagascar lima beans that I have not been able to grow here in Northern Illinois. To be grown again in 2022 because of low seed production due to a dry and hot spring.

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Idaho Refugee......................................................................................Illinois Giant

Jacob's Prairie - Bush Dry

A Robert Lobitz legacy bean I have been growing to try to stablize since 2015. I have named it for Jacob's Prairie, Minnesota. So far I'm not any closer to stabalizing this bean than when I started. The bean did produce two beautiful off types this year. The redder of the two off types will not be grow again, but the one with alot of pink color tones will be grown again in 2022.

John's Bean - Bush Dry

85 days, Good short season dry bean. Very beautiful productive variety. Grown more extensively in Canada but does very well here in the U.S. This bean was the earliest bean to mature dry seed among my bush beans this year. This years first dry pod came in 72 days and once drying started. It dried it's entire pods set in about two weeks. This was probably due to our drought and many more hours of sunlight while I irrigated the beans.

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Jacob's Prairie.................................................................................John's bean

Jacob's Prairie Off Types

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Jacob's Prairie Off Type #1..............................................Jacob's Prairie Off Type #2

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Deeply Rooted
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
Zones 3 and 5 in Northern New England
this year when shelling i had so many rejects that all became worm food - about 10lbs of beans went into the worm buckets the past few months. wow do those beans smell when they're buried down deep and they start to ferment
Jeeze, mine just sprout and try to push the lids off :-|


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
For some reason, I'm not getting notifications when someone posts in this thread anymore, at least, not until about 24 hours later? None of the posts made today have shown up on my alerts. I unwatched the thread, then clicked watch again. I hope that fixes whatever is wrong.


Deeply Rooted
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
Zones 3 and 5 in Northern New England
For some reason, I'm not getting notifications when someone posts in this thread anymore, at least, not until about 24 hours later? None of the posts made today have shown up on my alerts. I unwatched the thread, then clicked watch again. I hope that fixes whatever is wrong.
Same. I realized I hadn't seen anything for this thread in a while, came, and found three pages of new messages. :(


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
Only getting a few notifications here too.

Part of my 2021 pole beans. While all but 3 were disappointing, in most cases there is at least enough seed to save for next time.

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"Bert Goodwin", weak climber, good as snap or shelly (I prefer the shelly). From Will Bonsall in 2007. This one was grown in the well-drained garden next to my garage, so was less affected by the heavy rains. It produced only slightly less than the 2015 grow out, 29 ounces.

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"Brita's Foot Long", pole dry. Sent to me by an SSE member in 2006, but I believe originally from Salt Spring Seeds, Canada. Long pods turn tan when dry, with 8-9 beans. Normally one of my most productive dry beans; but this year, only 2 plants survived the flooding. :( Those two plants still produced 7 ounces of seed, hopefully enough to share until grown again.

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"Budapest II", pole ____ ? A new trial, obtained from SSE in 2015, but not grown until this year. I had observed it growing on Heritage Farm during a visit, and all pods were dry on September 2nd, so I thought it might be a good short-season pole dry bean. Because of the seed age, I planted it in my large "TLC" pots; germination was still about 100%. Tall vines. The snaps were OK, but small. The pods dried down in 85-90 days, after which some vines put on a second set. Initially the seeds were a beautiful golden color, but they are darkening to brown. The best dry seed yield I've ever had from the pots, 29 ounces.

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"Brown King #2", pole snap/dry (I prefer it shelly or dry). From SSE in 2015. Moderately strong vines. Snaps unremarkable. Fat buff colored seeds like over-sized Navy beans. Grown in one of the wetter spots in the rural garden, where some plants were lost, and the survivors only sent up one runner. One of the bigger disappointments, since I had planted a 16' row in hope of harvesting shellies to freeze... but enough seed (8 ounces) to replace the older seed.

Will post the remaining 4 varieties tomorrow.


Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
Jacob's Prairie and the offtypes are marvellous @Bluejay77
The standard pattern is evocative of a dotty circus costume. Very fun!
I never thought about the circus costume but now that you mention it I can see it clearly. Maybe it should be renamed Clown Princess or Clown Prince.

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