Jack Holloway
Deeply Rooted
I once met Tom Wagner (I hope I spelled his last name correctly) the breeder of the Green Zebra tomato as well as many others. He passion at the time was potato breeding and he had some really interesting varieties and was ignored by "professional' potato breeders; they wouldn't talk to him even. He had a farmer grow out a large amount of one of his potatoes who he suspected kept some back cause a few years later one identical to his was suddenly being sold at grocery stores. A no name yellow. I think it is still out there.
Anyway, he was quite annoyed/upset, that he couldn't profit off his work. He spent a lot of time and money developing his varieties and once they left him, he couldn't benefit from them. Kinda like the starving artist who's work is popular, but doesn't make them enough money to live on.
So I guess I can kinda see the point. But Monsanto and the like have taken it to the extreme. Their patented genes have made it into the wild mustard plants in Canada. So much for their "control" of preventing the genes from contaminating other varieties.
Sorry @heirloomgal for hijacking yet again your thread. Maybe I should start my own with my random rants.
Anyway, he was quite annoyed/upset, that he couldn't profit off his work. He spent a lot of time and money developing his varieties and once they left him, he couldn't benefit from them. Kinda like the starving artist who's work is popular, but doesn't make them enough money to live on.
So I guess I can kinda see the point. But Monsanto and the like have taken it to the extreme. Their patented genes have made it into the wild mustard plants in Canada. So much for their "control" of preventing the genes from contaminating other varieties.
Sorry @heirloomgal for hijacking yet again your thread. Maybe I should start my own with my random rants.

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