Garden Master
I can't believe I haven't started a garden thread yet! So here goes! This will be our 3rd garden since we moved. The first year was a total bust, second year was much better, expect this year to be even better!
Our soil is pure sand. In August 2016, a friend of my husband's gave us all the 5 year old wood chip mulch we wanted-if he would haul some to his house and some to his father-in-law's house. He jumped on that offer and got our neighbor, Robert, to help. They hooked up the dump trailer and started making loads. I pushed the mulch up in a big pile while they went after another load.
They made 4 or 5 loads a day until it was gone. Robert got mulch too and spread it in his front yard and in his garden. The mulch was black, crumbly and rich.
The mulch sat piled up all winter. The grand daughters liked the mulch mountain and played on it.
We started getting wood chips from a crew cleaning power line right of way and they parked their trucks here at night and on weekends. I decided to move the old mulch to the garden and got all of it moved and dumped in one day. I put the tractor in low gear, dug into the pile with the front end loader, scooped, and turned toward the garden. I put it in high gear and bounced across the yard to the garden, dumped and raced back to the mulch pile. I was so sore the next day! I had a tractor hangover!
Then we had the crew start dumping wood chips in the spot formerly occupied by the old mulch. DH has kept up with the loads and there is 22 loads of wood chips there now! There is 15 loads on the pipeline now, we already spread 22 loads around the barn yard to keep the sand dust down. In places it is over a foot deep.
I raked the 5 year old mulch out on the garden, and rowed some up. I planted squash, zucchini, yellow crookneck, lemon, and white Lebanese marrow squash. It is up now and has 3-4 leaves. I planted a row of green onions, dill, turnips, pak choy, and mustard. Today I planted 30 Sleeping Lady tomato plants and okra. I planted a double row of Jing Orange okra (should be interesting LOL) and a double row of Jimmy T okra.
My husband and I opened up paper feed sacks and laid under the cow panel trellis we made last year. Then we covered them up with the black mulch. They are ready to plant now!
Our soil is pure sand. In August 2016, a friend of my husband's gave us all the 5 year old wood chip mulch we wanted-if he would haul some to his house and some to his father-in-law's house. He jumped on that offer and got our neighbor, Robert, to help. They hooked up the dump trailer and started making loads. I pushed the mulch up in a big pile while they went after another load.
They made 4 or 5 loads a day until it was gone. Robert got mulch too and spread it in his front yard and in his garden. The mulch was black, crumbly and rich.
The mulch sat piled up all winter. The grand daughters liked the mulch mountain and played on it.
We started getting wood chips from a crew cleaning power line right of way and they parked their trucks here at night and on weekends. I decided to move the old mulch to the garden and got all of it moved and dumped in one day. I put the tractor in low gear, dug into the pile with the front end loader, scooped, and turned toward the garden. I put it in high gear and bounced across the yard to the garden, dumped and raced back to the mulch pile. I was so sore the next day! I had a tractor hangover!
Then we had the crew start dumping wood chips in the spot formerly occupied by the old mulch. DH has kept up with the loads and there is 22 loads of wood chips there now! There is 15 loads on the pipeline now, we already spread 22 loads around the barn yard to keep the sand dust down. In places it is over a foot deep.
I raked the 5 year old mulch out on the garden, and rowed some up. I planted squash, zucchini, yellow crookneck, lemon, and white Lebanese marrow squash. It is up now and has 3-4 leaves. I planted a row of green onions, dill, turnips, pak choy, and mustard. Today I planted 30 Sleeping Lady tomato plants and okra. I planted a double row of Jing Orange okra (should be interesting LOL) and a double row of Jimmy T okra.
My husband and I opened up paper feed sacks and laid under the cow panel trellis we made last year. Then we covered them up with the black mulch. They are ready to plant now!