

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Time slips away when concentration on activities and impaired movement requires.

I don't have as much pain as I do instability (it says here somewhere in my "Recipes for Life" ;)). Nearly fell in the bathroom the other day. Would have except that it was such a short distance between my back and a tall cabinet. Smooth, flat surface on that door, all the way to the floor - fortunately, one foot was the only body part that made it that far.

Well, I suppose that the other foot has to count, nearly useless thing that it is. No, it is useful as a sorta prop but its toes were pointed behind me and ankle was stretched to some sort of limit and that was supposed to hold the weight of half my body? Wasn't happening and cabinet door was hit with about 100# of weight as I fell against it.

Checked door as soon as I regained complete vertical. Okay. I had just closed it and was turning around to leave. There was nothing on the floor to impede my foot and that impaired leg. I met DW as I left the bathroom. Apparently, there was quite a bit of noise. No injuries, no additional discomforts -- just a reinforced awareness that even the simplest movements require concentration at all moments even milliseconds ... of course, we aren't fully capable of that.

Garbanzo the Dog left a trail of her food on the utility room floor that I was just picking up as the first load of laundry was finished. Had to be careful about falling headfirst into her kennel while doing that. Dad fell while opening the kennel during the months he was staying here. We didn't tell the emergency room people how he fell, while his bruises were being checked out. Thought that it might embarrass him ;).

garden time has to be short today as we are caring for DD's Garbanzo, rabbit and lawn while she is away in Seattle for a visit.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits activity is the key. Go as hard as you can. Maybe join a gym, burn calories, do strength training. The more you do, the more you CAN do. With all my activities I find myself not as strong as I used to be. I wear out faster, get more tired. I’m sure a lot of that is the pain in my knees. Some days, the pain takes me out and I just have to stop for a day or two, feet up in my recliner. I’m not going to like the forced “take it easy” of recovery one bit, but I don’t want to mess my knee up, so I’ll follow doctors orders. Being tired at the end of the day from activity is good for you!
I think the not as strong as I used to be is what throws me off. I think I should be able to do the same. I carried the car seat with the baby in it for DD across a parking lot and I felt my neck strain and I will be going to the chiropractor today. lol Those things are heavy. I agree tough to be active. On Sunday my schedule for my job is different. I start typing at 12 and work until 8 and if I do not take breaks I am a mess on Monday.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Old saying, no pain, no gain. Daughter (a nurse) tells my wife best medicine for her ailments is to walk. She won’t do it because “it hurts”.
My brother keeps telling me to walk. They have a trail here called Mineral Ridge and he gets off work and walks it. I am not sure how much of it is going up hill. DS has been there when younger a few times. It is a 3 mile or so trail. My brother said I would be huffing and puffing after 100 feet. I have been thinking this would be a fun goal to get in shape and be able to walk this trail without huffing and puffing. Here is a view of what you can see and a picture of DS when a lot younger on Mineral Ridge.
Jacob Mineral Rdige.jpg

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Time slips away when concentration on activities and impaired movement requires.

I don't have as much pain as I do instability (it says here somewhere in my "Recipes for Life" ;)). Nearly fell in the bathroom the other day. Would have except that it was such a short distance between my back and a tall cabinet. Smooth, flat surface on that door, all the way to the floor - fortunately, one foot was the only body part that made it that far.

Well, I suppose that the other foot has to count, nearly useless thing that it is. No, it is useful as a sorta prop but its toes were pointed behind me and ankle was stretched to some sort of limit and that was supposed to hold the weight of half my body? Wasn't happening and cabinet door was hit with about 100# of weight as I fell against it.

Checked door as soon as I regained complete vertical. Okay. I had just closed it and was turning around to leave. There was nothing on the floor to impede my foot and that impaired leg. I met DW as I left the bathroom. Apparently, there was quite a bit of noise. No injuries, no additional discomforts -- just a reinforced awareness that even the simplest movements require concentration at all moments even milliseconds ... of course, we aren't fully capable of that.

Garbanzo the Dog left a trail of her food on the utility room floor that I was just picking up as the first load of laundry was finished. Had to be careful about falling headfirst into her kennel while doing that. Dad fell while opening the kennel during the months he was staying here. We didn't tell the emergency room people how he fell, while his bruises were being checked out. Thought that it might embarrass him ;).

garden time has to be short today as we are caring for DD's Garbanzo, rabbit and lawn while she is away in Seattle for a visit.
Glad you did not get hurt. I am more aware of how I step than I used to be. I started wearing shoes without strings. It seems no matter what i do, my shoes come untied worse than a little kid.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
My brother keeps telling me to walk. They have a trail here called Mineral Ridge and he gets off work and walks it. I am not sure how much of it is going up hill. DS has been there when younger a few times. It is a 3 mile or so trail. My brother said I would be huffing and puffing after 100 feet. I have been thinking this would be a fun goal to get in shape and be able to walk this trail without huffing and puffing. Here is a view of what you can see and a picture of DS when a lot younger on Mineral Ridge.View attachment 51707View attachment 51708
Beautiful scenery


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I have walked that trail. It is a bit steep in places, @Gardening with Rabbits .

The miner's exploration pits are an interesting visit on Mineral Ridge. And, the views of Beauty Bay and beyond :) Wow!

What do you think about starting with the Centennial Trail ;)? Work up to Tubbs Hill in Coeur d'Alene ... and don't let anyone kid you about the name of that place 😒. The scenery is great and it is a good long hike around the lower part of the hill and you will want to take some breaks.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I have walked that trail. It is a bit steep in places, @Gardening with Rabbits .

The miner's exploration pits are an interesting visit on Mineral Ridge. And, the views of Beauty Bay and beyond :) Wow!

What do you think about starting with the Centennial Trail ;)? Work up to Tubbs Hill in Coeur d'Alene ... and don't let anyone kid you about the name of that place 😒. The scenery is great and it is a good long hike around the lower part of the hill and you will want to take some breaks.

Centennial trail looks seems dangerous to me for some reason. Tubbs Hill looks rough. I have walked my neighborhood off and on. I would take a watch and go 15 minutes and 15 back, but so boring. I am thinking of driving to one of the parks and take my camera and try to make it more interesting. I was just looking on line about circulation and leg strength and it named several vitamins to take for older people to regain strength and circulation and to walk, walk, walk, walk. There was mention of weight lifting for an hour every 5 days. I did not read all of it, but I think I will go back and read.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Old saying, no pain, no gain. Daughter (a nurse) tells my wife best medicine for her ailments is to walk. She won’t do it because “it hurts”.
I sure can understand that. I punish myself daily with all I have to do. A lot of what I’ve been doing doesn’t have a good workout involved in it. But I manage to walk 3-4 miles according to my step counter. Power through the pain. I dread the recovery of surgery but I’m determined to get my life back.

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