hurricane florence....


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
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north carolina
it's a category 4 <winds of 130mph>at the moment they say it's going to hit somewhere between myrtle beach,sc and hatteras,nc. time of landfall thursday morning to friday morning they have made it mandatory evacuation on all outer bank islands and all low lying communities should leave as well all coastal/inland rivers will flood..

a couple models show florence will not loss strength well into land, one model showing a category 1 almost to here..hum
every article i read thurs-sat possible winds of 25-50+ mph here....with a possible 6" to 2' of rain...

told the dw to pick up couple cases of water,charcoal,batteries, fill the extra propane tank and thursday morning fill the bathtub full of water.... and whatever you do fill the cars full of fuel..

you paying attention @Lickbranchfarm and @canesisters and all you nc,sc lurkers get ready..don't wait till the last minute.
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Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
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north carolina
and the funny thing is,this is going to happen when they rip the damaged parts of the house out... we have gone through worse


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
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Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
My daughter, husband and 3 dogs have to evacuate Charleston SC. Her husbband's MoM has a a condo for them to stay in in Florida. 8 hours away. but with the 3 dogs evacuation is not that easy. They don't know if the dogs can stay.They have to get permission. They may have to kennel them.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Things I learned by living in hurricane country,

1. Bake a huge pan of brownies. Aw hell, bake 2!
2. Buy a box of cheap wine or whatever your taste buds desire. When a tree falls on your house and it is raining on the inside, eat your brownies, drink your wine. It will still be raining, but you won't care.
3. Buy brand new plastic trash cans with lids, place in various places and fill with water. This will enable you to water livestock, bathe, and flush toilets.
4. Fill all pots and containers with water for washing hands and cooking.
5. Place 5 gallon buckets in bathrooms for flushing toilet. Pour water directly in toilet, it will flush.
6. Take in friends that live in a flood zone or trailer homes.
7. Bread is stripped from stores. Bake some before the storm hits.
8. Buy flour tortillas or make them.
9. Cook a large roast for sandwiches or for rolling up in flour tortillas.
10. Boil eggs for a quick snack.
11. If you have empty freezer space, fill containers with water and freeze. This will help keep freezer cold.
12. Stock up on feed and hay for animals.
13. Have a BBQ pit, pile wood in dry place, have plenty of charcoal and lighter fluid. Or have a gas grill with plenty of propane bottles.
14. Candles. Matches. Oil lamps. Flashlights.
15. Canned soup and crackers. This is comfort food when you are sitting in the dark and a hurricane is hammering at your home.
16. Paper plates, paper towels and disposable cups.
17. Fill all prescriptions.
18. Anything outside that is loose, put it in a shed, barn or garage. Tie down everything you can.
19. Halter your livestock with your contact info and address written on the halters, Spray paint your address on their side.
20. If YOU live in a flood zone, load your animals up and LEAVE.
21. Duct tape. It fixes almost everything.
22. New tarps and a roll of some very heavy duty plastic. Some lumber and nails/screws for holding the tarp/plastic down. If laying on a roof, run the lumber up and down vertically, not horizontally. Horizontally, the boards will catch the water run off and make it leak worse.
23. SAVE RECIEPTS for anything spent to minimize damage to your home. Most insurance will reimburse you 100% on expenses that you spent to keep more damage from happening.
24. Gas for generator and don't forget to get oil for the generator too!


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Things I learned by living in hurricane country,

1. Bake a huge pan of brownies. Aw hell, bake 2!
2. Buy a box of cheap wine or whatever your taste buds desire. When a tree falls on your house and it is raining on the inside, eat your brownies, drink your wine. It will still be raining, but you won't care.
3. Buy brand new plastic trash cans with lids, place in various places and fill with water. This will enable you to water livestock, bathe, and flush toilets.
4. Fill all pots and containers with water for washing hands and cooking.
5. Place 5 gallon buckets in bathrooms for flushing toilet. Pour water directly in toilet, it will flush.
6. Take in friends that live in a flood zone or trailer homes.
7. Bread is stripped from stores. Bake some before the storm hits.
8. Buy flour tortillas or make them.
9. Cook a large roast for sandwiches or for rolling up in flour tortillas.
10. Boil eggs for a quick snack.
11. If you have empty freezer space, fill containers with water and freeze. This will help keep freezer cold.
12. Stock up on feed and hay for animals.
13. Have a BBQ pit, pile wood in dry place, have plenty of charcoal and lighter fluid. Or have a gas grill with plenty of propane bottles.
14. Candles. Matches. Oil lamps. Flashlights.
15. Canned soup and crackers. This is comfort food when you are sitting in the dark and a hurricane is hammering at your home.
16. Paper plates, paper towels and disposable cups.
17. Fill all prescriptions.
18. Anything outside that is loose, put it in a shed, barn or garage. Tie down everything you can.
19. Halter your livestock with your contact info and address written on the halters, Spray paint your address on their side.
20. If YOU live in a flood zone, load your animals up and LEAVE.
21. Duct tape. It fixes almost everything.
22. New tarps and a roll of some very heavy duty plastic. Some lumber and nails/screws for holding the tarp/plastic down. If laying on a roof, run the lumber up and down vertically, not horizontally. Horizontally, the boards will catch the water run off and make it leak worse.
23. SAVE RECIEPTS for anything spent to minimize damage to your home. Most insurance will reimburse you 100% on expenses that you spent to keep more damage from happening.
24. Gas for generator and don't forget to get oil for the generator too!

a few large containers of pretzels can go a long ways, crackers are ok, but seem to get stale more quickly. i also keep a few extra jars of peanut butter on hand as it makes a good high-energy snack.


@majorcatfish Already got the generator fueled up, getting 15 more gallons today. My truck, and my sons truck is full. Wife got water and quick fix food stuff Sunday. Son works with a sub contractor for Duke energy, they brought a semi trailer full of bottled water, handed out cases to the guys for their families. Bad thing is they sending my boy and his crew to Wilmington Thursday night to be on stand by for Power outages and such.
I've lived In the Carolinas all my life, been through 45 years worth of these things, one thing that is predictable about a hurricane is its unpredictable. I worry more about the rain, and tree's falling from loose tree roots than anything. They make a mess for sure, and there's really nothing you can do about it but hunker down and hang on.
Hurricane Mathew caused a lot of damage on my farm 2 years ago, lost a lot of old growth white oak tree's, we lost power for over a week during that one, and it didn't even get close. If Florence comes on shore around Myrtle beach, that's 110 miles from my drive way.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Does the oil in oil lamps go bad? Many years ago my mother gave each of us kids 2 filled oil lamps. Must of been about 15 years ago, lamps sit on top of a bookcase their oil never changed.


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
* Started and tested the generator this weekend - the house is wired with a cutoff switch and circuits to the well pump, fridge, hot water heater and a few other things will switch to the generator. I haven't had to flip that switch yet - hope I don't have to this time either.
* Picked up a couple gas cans (I was somehow down to 1??) and filled them
* Mowed the grass yesterday so that I don't have tall grass & standing water to deal with if I have to slosh around for a few days
* Eva is set with plenty of pasture. She has an ID tag on her bell collar
* Cleaned the barn last weekend so isles are clear and tools and such are where I can find them quickly
* Topping off the truck's gas every evening on the way home
* Picked up value packs of batteries yesterday when I was getting Gorilla Tape to fix the bumper from yet ANOTHER deer attack - got extra Gorilla Tape
* Picking up cat and dog food tonight and topping off the snack basket with things that can sit out - don't want to open & close the fridge/freezer anymore than necessary IF the generator doesn't work correctly
* rearranged the canning cabinet over the weekend to verify how many meals in a jar there are (several)
* Pulled out several coolers for hauling water from work if necessary. If you put a large trash bag in a cooler, fill with water and tie the top and you can transport LOTS of water without spilling. Can use to water the animals, flush toilets, etc - again IF necessary
* Plenty of TP, paper plates, plastic flatware, etc.

Guess it's time to just wait and see.

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