I Come In Peace

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
How-dee! And welcome, @HomesteaderWife, to The Easy Garden gang! I love your avatar! Could that be one of your family members or a breed you hope for someday? Since you're already a member of the other homesteading-type groups, you must have animals. Tell us more about your homestead: successes and goals; current and future "herds", what you prefer in your garden.

We are a fun group, but we are all serious about our gardens. We have members living in much the same growing zone as you, so they may be of help with the garden. Others of us are in colder, wetter, etc. growing areas, but I've found I can learn from members in every growing area.

I hope as we learn together here and become gardening friends we can become real friends as well.


Garden Addicted
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
Welcome to our gardening family. Hope you learn from us and we learn from you. Tell us more about yourself? What animals do you have/raise, what are your gardening plans.


Hello there, and thank you for the warm welcome! I need to introduce myself better, as I know the same people aren't always on the sister sites. My name is Fala (pronounced "fay-luh") and my husband is Richard. We are work from home folks, selling art, eggs, lumber, and more locally to help us with monthly bills. We are from Central Alabama and currently have 4 dogs (3 rescues and one Husky), 5 chickens (various breeds), 2 Khaki Campbell ducks, and 1 French Angora rabbit. We are currently building a cabin with lumber we are milling ourselves using our Norwood LM29 mill, and have a wonderful old 1954 Ford tractor that helps us get work done around here! We already raise a small garden yearly and sell some of the produce and I can a lot of it as well. We are going to be working to double the size of our garden this winter by clearing off some land, and plant heirloom watermelon and Indian corn next year to sell for seed (and keep some for ourselves as well). Our yearly crops only include the following so far: okra, tomatoes, habaneros, jalapenos, squash, purple hull peas, cucumbers (the big challenge to grow), sunflowers, and green beans. We tried a small crop of the heirloom corn this year and it did not do well, as we planted them on a slight hill which led to the roots being washed up and weakend, and the wind blew half of them over! So our goals are to increase the size of the garden, add more crops, and be able to sell some of it next year.

How-dee! And welcome, @HomesteaderWife, to The Easy Garden gang! I love your avatar! Could that be one of your family members or a breed you hope for someday? Since you're already a member of the other homesteading-type groups, you must have animals. Tell us more about your homestead: successes and goals; current and future "herds", what you prefer in your garden.

We are a fun group, but we are all serious about our gardens. We have members living in much the same growing zone as you, so they may be of help with the garden. Others of us are in colder, wetter, etc. growing areas, but I've found I can learn from members in every growing area.

I hope as we learn together here and become gardening friends we can become real friends as well.

Thank you so much for the welcome to The Easy Garden! My avatar is actually our own little Husky who just turned a year old. My husband had always wanted his own dog (especially a Husky puppy) so I surprised him last Christmas by going to pick up our little fur ball. We love him dearly, even though he is a lunatic sometimes! A lot of the things you asked I mentioned above,in regards to our animals and our garden. Our homestead goals also include getting a goat or two in the next year, finishing our house, and remaining as self-sufficient as possible while making enough to get by each month by selling art/eggs/lumber/fur/e.t.c.

Thank you so much, again, for your warm welcome. I look forward to talking with everyone here and learning so much from you all. I'm also hoping to maybe put some seed on the "for sale" forums here (since the heirloom crops we are raising next year include two very hard to find things- Hasting's Prolific corn and Clay County Yellowmeat watermelons.) I definitely look forward to making friends here!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
... cucumbers (the big challenge to grow), ...
Welcome to TEG, HomesteadWife!

For 2 seasons, I have grown Talladega cucumbers. I have a suspicion that you know Talladega is in your state.

Here is what I had to say about them in 2014: Widely Adaptable (click)? They had another excellent season in 2015.

It might be difficult to imagine a less likely source for a suggestion on that cucumber than this corner of the world.

:) Steve

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