What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Showered the ornamentals with Miracle Gro and sprinkled fish emulsion on lots of the veggies. Harvested some veggies first ;).

All that meant pulling hoses one direction or another. Got a 2nd hose bib in the sprinkler pipes. Then, plug, plug, plug and I have a central water source. With no sprinklers and only a hose ... well, 200+ feet of hose ... the 4" valve can only be cracked open, but I was in business!

Put some trellis around zinnias and drove sticks in for my 3 teepees of pole beans. I was trying to take up the awkward space they occupy and have wide, squat teepees this year!

Maybe I can make use of the available ground and shade under them in August! What do you suppose would like to grow under pole beans? Lettuce? Cilantro?

The sprinkler pipes have been moved nearer them this year. It's a low point along the line and forms quite a puddle when the irrigation is on. I don't think that's so great for the beans but ... maybe some veggie under them that likes both shade and moist conditions.

;) Steve


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Must be a bad day for saws....my sawsall broke today while I was remaking a garden gate. :(
Good News!!! I went back to Harbor Freight where I bought the saw AND the warranty on it 2 years ago. They honored it!!! Yeah, it was a trade, broken for new, but I did buy another $10.00 warranty on the new reciprocating saw. :weee
Best 10 bucks I've spent in awhile!!!


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Good News!!! I went back to Harbor Freight where I bought the saw AND the warranty on it 2 years ago. They honored it!!! Yeah, it was a trade, broken for new, but I did buy another $10.00 warranty on the new reciprocating saw. :weee
Best 10 bucks I've spent in awhile!!!

That's amazing!!! Did you have your receipt after all that time or did they just honor the purchase anyway?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I thought to have my comment on Mary's "dilemma" here rather than on the Eden thread.

After I had all that smelly fish emulsion on the vegetables, the neighbor showed up to move her lawn sprinklers. Her home is several miles away from this lawn and garage. It wasn't quite that I was spreading the smell of dead fish and seaweed beneath her bedroom window.

Still, I was embarrassed. It isn't terrible terrible but there needs to be a few days of sun, water and fresh air for the garden to be more appealing, atmospherically :confused:.

I once made compost tea. Wow! That barrel was terrible terrible !

Once I lay manure over everything, I want to really start looking for some wood chips. I may have to drive about an hour away. But that's ok, it's up in the wine country and I can always use a glass of wine. ;)


Mary, go for the wine ...

:) Steve


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
That's amazing!!! Did you have your receipt after all that time or did they just honor the purchase anyway?
Nope. Didn't need a receipt or even my name. They keep the record of the warranty purchase in their system by your phone number. It is good for two years. So, I had already paid $10.00 for my $25.00 (at the time) saw, and of course I bought another warranty package. So, in essence my new $27.95 saw cost me $20.00 in total. I destroy reciprocating saws AND sometimes push mowers. :rolleyes:


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Yesterday I weeded AND dug AND tilled AND planted part of my small flower bed to the northeast of my garage. I had plants on the porch to go into it for a MONTH!!! I even lost a few of them, but I'm pretty sure that I can replace them with clearance flowers next week. I put one strawberry in there last year and now it has spread to several strawberries so I had to work around them.
I bought an azalea for $2.50, and I'm going back for a couple more of them. I also tilled up and tilled in some compost where I will be putting brussels sprouts and zucchini next month AFTER the squash bugs have bred (and eaten on What? in MY garden?!?!?) and moved on. Plus brussels sprouts can be harvested even after a frost and taste sweeter. (Wish they would tell the gardening centers that pieces of news!! You CANNOT find the seeds this time of year, which is why I bought mine in April.) I planted 8 geraniums and I hope that I can bring all of them in in late October to overwinter them.
Not sure about buying from online garden sites. I couldn't find sweet potato starts, JUST sweet potato vines which produce a blech sweet potato, so I ordered a dozen from Gurneys. Yes, I was on vacation when they arrived, and YES, they have revived in a bucket on water on my porch, BUT, I found sweet potato slips at, get this....Walmart at clearance prices. :he
ANYWAY, I temporarily planted my bedding plants in the old, leaky water trough to keep them alive, so today 12 of the sweet potato slips that I just bought go into it bc they are in better shape than the ones that I ordered. I still need to prep my tomato bed by the street, which should take a good week, then the 12 that I ordered go into the Other water trough. Expecting a MASSIVE sweet potato harvest!!!
Also (funny) I bought a clearance rose bush---"Drop Dead Red"--to go in the small bed to the south of my garage driveway and next to my yellow knockout rose. I go over to check out the weeds in the bed and find that the rose that I moved there two months is alive and kicking!!! So, This rose has to go in another bed, and that's ok with me.
Started harvested potatoes. The don't look very good up on top but I have harvested some very tasty potatoes from them, so don't give up on yours. They DO fade when it's time to harvest. I plan to plant a 2nd crop in a few weeks.
I weeded around my cistern cement outcropping by the house sidewalk where I have onions and a volunteer lettuce which is bolting, along with several onions which I planted there after they sprouted in my onion bin.
Btw, I finally dug up the volunteer Wild onions in my potato bed last week. They NEVER are tender enough to harvest. You could only use them to flavor and I like to eat the onions that do that.
I am about to burn my old rabbit hutch. The weather finally did it in and I have a big pile of weeds and cardboard and bags of paper from the office. I also changed my mower oil on top of some of the paper so it should burn pretty good.
This morning I need to Preen my flower bed and then move some mulch around all of the little flowers so I don't have a huge water bill this month. They should fill in nicely. I'll try to get some pictures.
The BIG push this weekend to clean up the yard is bc DH invited the family over for the 4th. :th He cannot do many of the outside chores that I am doing--too hard on his heart--BUT he Did spend 3 hours mowing/knocking down the weeds (riding mower ONLY) in the north pasture yesterday and promises to mow the rest of the lawn today, so I can't complain.
At LEAST DH doesn't try to do too much. He stops when he should, so we won't be traveling to the ER this weekend.
HE also keeps my books for my business. :love
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Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Nope. Didn't need a receipt or even my name. They keep the record of the warranty purchase in their system by your phone number. It is good for two years. So, I had already paid $10.00 for my $25.00 (at the time) saw, and of course I bought another warranty package. So, in essence my new $27.95 saw cost me $20.00 in total. I destroy reciprocating saws AND sometimes push mowers. :rolleyes:

Same here. Just wore the gears out of my favorite sawsall. :( Had to pull out the BIG one, heavy as lead...better quality but harder to use for extended periods of time without feeling line one is sawing with lead chunks.

That's amazing! I'll be doing more shopping at Harbor Freight after hearing that. :thumbsup

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