Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
That is a lot of changes to deal with, but I am confident that you will adjust and find your path. This is the time to regroup and explore new avenues in your life. Maybe there is something you always wanted to do but never took time for yourself. Pottery classes, sewing, karate, or volunteering at the zoo. That special something that you would like to do, but just never did. Big hugs to you.

The only thing I ever wanted to do was be healthy and feel good. I keep busy. I guess I do what I want to do now. I hope to have time for a nice garden. I am working more with my job because we need the money. I do crochet at night.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
The only thing I ever wanted to do was be healthy and feel good. I keep busy. I guess I do what I want to do now. I hope to have time for a nice garden. I am working more with my job because we need the money. I do crochet at night.
Is there a reasonably priced gym nearby that you could join? You will be doing something that will help you to be healthier and feel better physically. It will also give you a social life which is important as we get older.


valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Quote DigitSThere's something called "muscle memory." We all know about it, the idea of never forgetting how to ride a bike is an example. Since we may more easily lose some abilities, maybe knowing how to walk is a better example and we can understand the idea a little better thinking how we learned to walk 5 or 8 years before we learned to ride a bike.

We taught high level skiing~ "muscle memory" we taught skiing correctly, proper stance, angulation~ "angles is edges" once learned it was like ridding a bike or typing```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
What could have been a nice year, really turned out to be the most stressful year of my life. I never had so many changes. I went from a house of 4 people to 2, DD married, DH went to heaven. Also, DS graduated and turned 18 and got a driver's license. Today, he went to work to his first real 8 hour a day 5 days a week job. My whole schedule is messed up. I normally stay up late and sleep until 8 or 9, but was up at 6 and cooked breakfast and visited with him, got the fire going. My whole life I have lived with other people except for maybe a year or so after leaving home and before marrying DH. I lived with parents and DB into my 30s. I was with DH all the time and the first years of marriage we worked together so got up and left the house together and then DD and later DS, so even when DH went to work I had the kids. This morning is the first time I am in a house alone in the morning and now have to start a whole new routine. The cats are confused and sleepy. I fed the rabbits early last night and they were almost asleep, which early was 10:30 lol. Lots of changes. Even how I will plant a garden will change. Trying to get compost bins under control for the winter. I have a lot of rabbit manure and will put the leaves on when they fall. I am not planting garlic for the first time in years. DS and I have been doing a lot of cleaning and trying to decide what to do with DD's bedroom. Thoughts of a TV room to exercise room. We both feel we need exercise after the garden is done and all the wood is stacked, the long winter happens. DS has started practicing the piano again. DD plays in church still, but DS kind of quit about 2012 when the piano teacher moved away. DD is amazed how fast he is picking it back up.

I hope for you the very best~ seeing the family travel in different directions~ leaves an empty feeling~ right where the heart should be~ God love and comfort you~ when you talk with your DH~ may you feel his arm round your shoulder~ every one would love to help~ but he can do it best~

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I admire crochet work. I never learned how to crochet or knit. I have several afghans made by my great aunt that I treasure. Kudos to you! What are you making? Picture?

I have been making dishrags and things like that for a couple of years and last year I discovered Bernat Blanket yarn and I have made blankets for DS, DB, DSIL, DD, DH, a scrap blanket out of all the leftovers, and just finished one for me and have more scraps. I was really shocked how much DB liked his. They are very warm. They all have 2 stripes and same design as the gray one. DH's blue, DS brown, mine is plum, DSIL is kind of a green. DD has the white and slightly different stripes.
Rachel's blanket.jpg

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Is there a reasonably priced gym nearby that you could join? You will be doing something that will help you to be healthier and feel better physically. It will also give you a social life which is important as we get older.


DS just joined one and I am thinking about it. DD and DSIL might join and if they do I will. We are all stressed from the last 2 years and all our life changes.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I hope for you the very best~ seeing the family travel in different directions~ leaves an empty feeling~ right where the heart should be~ God love and comfort you~ when you talk with your DH~ may you feel his arm round your shoulder~ every one would love to help~ but he can do it best~

Thank you so much and I agree.

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