n95 dust masks


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
down at work i dont touch anything without gloves now, we have meetings telling everyone about this bug and stay 6' away from everyone, but noooo you go into the break room and their they sit right next to each other eating lunch...

what part of 6' dont they understand???????
thank god i have a mound of osha procedures paperwork updating i have to do in my office, both doors are locked now.

ever since this sh!t has started to spread like a wildfire, have put a box of gloves in the car, depending where i go or do i put them on.. every time i stop and get fuel i put a glove on my left hand<since i'm left handed> put my card in after that all dealings with the pump is done with my left hand, right hand only deals with the car....

a lady pulls up to the pump beside me and just started ripping into me for having a glove on spouting that i could not catch the virus....
told her to stay 6' away and told her when do you think the last time they came out and cleaned the pump/keypad? are you willing to take a chance on that the user who touched the handle was not infected??? what perfect timing me being a smoker i had a cough< which i did in my shirt > she backed away. finished pumping took off my glove throw it in the trash bin and told her to have a nice day.... bet shes looking for gloves now...

now heres a hoot once back on the interstate a car comes aside of mine, they are wearing a mask and gloves while driving in their own car.....what your car has the cuties, everything they have touched with those gloves before getting into the car is now on their steering wheel...duh
another Darwin award........

doing everything you can to protect you and your family, even if seams asinine.....
i'm still planning on road trips to see everyone once this sh!t is gone.....


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
look here people i have a royal flush joker high, this beats your need to go out and socialize.......
keep your ass at home!!!!!


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Today went for supplies for wife. People all decked out, look of paranoia in their eyes. Toilet paper went from $4.99 to $9.98. Yep, no gouging goin* on. Companies are supplying just as much food, paper products and delivering to stores. People, get a grip. What is scary is that truckers are allowed unlimited miles to drive and will not get picked up for traffic violations. IF you see a trucker coming to a light, better watch to make sure he stops-he might be fatigued. Most career truckers are good but there are some driving with no USA licenses.


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
@majorcatfish , that reminds me, bandanas are hard to find now too...

I hear you about people ignoring the "social distancing" while on break. We just socially engineered our break rooms today; barriers on the benches, and removed extra chairs around tables - with remaining chairs 6 feet apart. Married workers hardest hit... but with the COVID-19 surge expected to peak this month in Wisconsin, people need to learn to comply, like it or not.

We made one other change. Social distancing is based upon the concept that droplets expelled from coughing (or speech) will drop to the ground within somewhere around 6 feet - in still air. If the air is circulating, all bets are off. So we unplugged & disconnected all fans on the factory floor, for at least the next month (and probably longer). Fortunately, it won't get uncomfortably warm here for about 6 weeks... don't know what we will do at that point.

And on that topic... Making a quick shopping trip to the supermarket yesterday, I couldn't help but notice that their HVAC was blowing full force, enough to mess up your hair. The person walking in front of us was in their PJ's & slippers, looked like they hadn't showered in a few days, and was apparently wearing their illness like a pity-me badge. I held DW back until he had left the aisle. It makes me wonder how many people could be simultaneously infected there, by one cough or sneeze (which to judge by past observations, would probably be uncovered). :smackGiven that sick people refuse to isolate themselves, I really believe that forced air circulation in stores may be a major factor in transmission, and that it is being largely overlooked.

As of today, I am on unpaid leave for the duration of this crisis, to prevent the possibility of me infecting DW with COVID-19, as she is very vulnerable. I hated leaving my job this way, it is one that I love, with people I like & respect... and I couldn't even shake their hands on the way out. :( This is not yet retirement, still leaving options open for the present. I'm still hoping & praying that someone will come up with a solution to end this crisis, and allow a return to work & a normal family life... for all of us.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Walmart just went to limited number of people inside.



Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
Walmart just went to limited number of people inside.

That's good news, @baymule . The USS Walmart has been a plague ship for far too long - even before COVID-19. For years, it seemed that every sick person, or mother with runny-nosed coughing children in tow, was magnetically drawn to Walmart to share their afflictions as widely as possible. As an older individual seeking to avoid potential illness, I dreaded my visits there, held my breath, and tried to get in & out as quickly as possible. A couple times we weren't quick enough, and either DW or I got coughed on as we passed someone, and became ill a few days later.

These measures appear to be a well thought out attempt to change all that. The procedures mentioned will ensure the safety of their employees, their customers, and by extension, take a greater role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases in their surrounding communities. Well done, Walmart. I hope at least some of these measures persist even when the current crisis has passed, such as the traffic routing.

I'd like to see similar measures enacted by other large retailers (especially grocers), IMO it would go a long way toward curtailing the spread of COVID-19, and improving the health of our communities. I have a feeling that won't be long in coming.


Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
@majorcatfish It makes me wonder how many people could be simultaneously infected there, by one cough or sneeze (which to judge by past observations, would probably be uncovered). :smack

My biggest pet peeve even before all this mess: Wisconsinites (in my area) are TERRIBLE at covering their coughs. When they do, they use their hands!

Ok, I have two pet peeves; the other being no one will ever say "excuse me" to get to something at the store if I'm in the way. They'll crowd my personal space until I get uncomfortable and move. My coworkers claim this is Midwest manners: it would be rude to say pardon or excuse me and take what you need. I think its much more rude to breathe down someone's neck until they move.

Its almost a pity we won't need to go out and shop for at least a month, I might really enjoy shopping with social distancing. :D


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
My biggest pet peeve even before all this mess: Wisconsinites (in my area) are TERRIBLE at covering their coughs. When they do, they use their hands!

Ok, I have two pet peeves; the other being no one will ever say "excuse me" to get to something at the store if I'm in the way. They'll crowd my personal space until I get uncomfortable and move. My coworkers claim this is Midwest manners: it would be rude to say pardon or excuse me and take what you need. I think its much more rude to breathe down someone's neck until they move.

Its almost a pity we won't need to go out and shop for at least a month, I might really enjoy shopping with social distancing. :D

i rarely enjoy shopping even during the best of times. we don't have people doing those sorts of things here much that i recall so i wouldn't put it down to midwest manners - but i guess i shouldn't be one to listen to since if i see a crowded aisle at a supermarket i'll probably try another one and come back later.