2022 Little Easy Bean Network - We Are Beans Without Borders


Deeply Rooted
Oct 29, 2019
Reaction score
Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
Few more of the (mostly) European beans left on my list @BeanieQueen , I'm re-planting what I have left because I've struck out pretty bad with the weather and sadly these beans have suffered the most. Really keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that my last few seeds will sprout... :fl

  • Mongeta del Ganxet
  • Wild Gonny
  • Kroatische Stange
  • Monaco Musso Niriu
  • Frijol de Ceracahui
  • Mooreskonigin
  • Quedlinburger Speck
  • Dusslinger Backerschurze
  • Floreta (only one seed left! 😱 )
  • Sietske
  • Wachtelbohnen aus Unterfrauen
  • Schaffermadle
  • Perona D'en Pep
  • Buenos Aires Verde
  • Lippoldsberger Weisse Perle
  • Zwolse Paarse
  • Meuch
  • Halbhohne Reiser
  • Kartoffelbohne
  • Mombacher Speck
May not have spelled all that correctly!

This year I have planted Floreta and Wachtelbohnen aus Unterfranken, so I will be able to send you more seeds in the fall. The other beans you mentioned, I still have some seeds left, so don't worry too much :)
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i planted my last four Fort Portal Jade seeds into the gallon pots. of the four seeds two looked good and the other two i wasn't so sure about, but as of this morning three of the four have germinated. i don't know how they'll do indoors but i figured they've had such poor luck out in the gardens that i could give them a try inside. getting them enough light might be a challenge since they're going to have to compete with the Amaryllis plants but they're going to be in climate controlled conditions inside and perhaps that will get them to flowering stage.

i'm hoping to hand pollenate them with crosses of Purple Dove as those are my intended parental beans for whatever other beans i can encourage to cross with them. i'll need to study up on the technique and hope my eyes, hands and coordination can accomplish it. up to this point i've let the bees do my crosses for me. i'm not sure of the bean family of both of these beans so perhaps the crosses won't be great, but i'll still give it a try if i can.


Attractive To Bees
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
Black Forest region, Germany
Few more of the (mostly) European beans left on my list @BeanieQueen , I'm re-planting what I have left because I've struck out pretty bad with the weather and sadly these beans have suffered the most. Really keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that my last few seeds will sprout... :fl

  • Mongeta del Ganxet
  • Wild Gonny
  • Kroatische Stange
  • Monaco Musso Niriu
  • Frijol de Ceracahui
  • Mooreskonigin
  • Quedlinburger Speck
  • Dusslinger Backerschurze
  • Floreta (only one seed left! 😱 )
  • Sietske
  • Wachtelbohnen aus Unterfrauen
  • Schaffermadle
  • Perona D'en Pep
  • Buenos Aires Verde
  • Lippoldsberger Weisse Perle
  • Zwolse Paarse
  • Meuch
  • Halbhohne Reiser
  • Kartoffelbohne
  • Mombacher Speck
May not have spelled all that correctly!
A very beautiful list!
Mongeta del Ganxet, Wild Gonny, Kroat. Stange, Dusslinger Bäckerschürzle [baker's apron (because of the many flecks/stains) of Dusslingen (a little town in Swabia] and Schäfermädle [shepherd's girl (in Swabian dialect)] I am growing myself this year :)
I wish you luck with the weather and everything!
This year I tried another method for germination. All my network beans I put first in such germination dishes (with just moist/wet papertowels). This worked really well (both regarding temperature and soil vermin risk) and some old seeds that started moulding I could even save because I noticed the problem immediately.
When they have developed their root (ca. 1 inch) I transplant them into little pots and then 2-3 wks later into the bed.


Deeply Rooted
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
Western Washington, USA
All of the greenbean transplants have been set out; all are new to us except Fortex :

Ideal Market
Amish Knuttle (aka Mayflower)
Lazy Wife's Pole Bean
OS Blues

Lazy Wife was the last one to be planted out a couple of days ago. There was a little Oregon Dark-Eyed Junco (we think) sitting a nest a few feet away. 🥰 So cute! I had no idea it was there at first.

Dry beans will be direct-seeded soon, hopefully this weekend.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
A very beautiful list!
Mongeta del Ganxet, Wild Gonny, Kroat. Stange, Dusslinger Bäckerschürzle [baker's apron (because of the many flecks/stains) of Dusslingen (a little town in Swabia] and Schäfermädle [shepherd's girl (in Swabian dialect)] I am growing myself this year :)
I wish you luck with the weather and everything!
This year I tried another method for germination. All my network beans I put first in such germination dishes (with just moist/wet papertowels). This worked really well (both regarding temperature and soil vermin risk) and some mnold seeds that started moulding I could even save because I noticed the problem immediately.
When they have developed their root (ca. 1 inch) I transplant them into little pots and then 2-3 wks later into the bed.
Oh I so appreciate these translations @BeanieQueen ! I googled around to get accurate translations of these names with virtually no success. I was so curious to know what the names mean! Of all the bean varieties I collect, the European ones are my absolute favourite, and growing them feels to me like growing ♦️Cabochon rubies♦️. DH is German, though he was born here after his parents emigrated, and I asked him if he could tell me what all the those bean names mean, but no luck. He seems to understand conversational German very well as a listener, but no help as a word translator for some reason. I asked him tonight as I planted out 'Rotebeerbohne' what it means and all he could tell me is that the word red is in there with the word bean!
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Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
All of the greenbean transplants have been set out; all are new to us except Fortex :

Ideal Market
Amish Knuttle (aka Mayflower)
Lazy Wife's Pole Bean
OS Blues

Lazy Wife was the last one to be planted out a couple of days ago. There was a little Oregon Dark-Eyed Junco (we think) sitting a nest a few feet away. 🥰 So cute! I had no idea it was there at first.

Dry beans will be direct-seeded soon, hopefully this weekend.
I just love Amish Gnuttle (aka Mayflower)! That bean has been crazy productive for me. In the case of calamity, this is a great bean to have! lol I love Provider too, that is one of the most common beans around here along with Black Valentine. Very reliable beans, and excellent for seed saving.

A Junco? I had a little Dark Eyed Junco fly into my glass sun room door a few years ago. I watched him lay on the ground all day after that, I felt bad for him. I thought he was a goner for sure. But DH, at nightfall, scooped him up into a cardboard box and kept him inside overnight. I drove him to a wildlife sanctuary 30 minutes away the next afternoon and while it still seemed hopeless to me, his neck looked wrong and I thought he had a serious leg injury, they kept him for 2 weeks and then called me to pick him up. We released him at the spot close to where he fell, and he was perfect! I was pretty happy, as were my kids.
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i have three fine sprouts of Fort Portal Jade growing. they got their first dose of real sunshine today and are starting to unfold their first leaves.

since the other seed failed to sprout i decided to plant a seed of Purple Dove and another seed of a cross in the extra spaces. i hope i can get them all to cross. i will be watching for flowers and hoping it will work out.

when i go back out i should make sure to mark which plant is what because while i know that FPJ is white-whitish flowering and i know Purple Dove is purple flowers i don't know the cross flower color (i also don't know if that is going to be stable or not but we'll see :) ).

i'm a bit paranoid about these beans in these pots being outside because we have so many chipmunks running around. i'll bring them in tonight. it's not supposed to get very cool tonight, but i still don't like the idea of leaving them out.

the Purple Dove beans i planted some time ago are doing well enough. i checked on them and the peas this morning to make sure they didn't need any water with the hot weather coming up. one of the peas didn't germinate but i won't replant. gave them some water and then got to work planting the onions i needed to get in.

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