Baymule’s 2021 Garden


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
We have gotten 8 3/4” of rain in under 2 weeks. Some places have gotten a lot more. Most of the time it is an annoying drizzle, just enough to keep us inside. It stops, but not long enough to get much done. We had a few days last week and we hit the garden as hard as we could.

Good news! Grandma Robert’s Purple Podded Pole beans are coming up! Thanks @Zeedman!! The tomato seed you sent, Cleota Pink, Spaniard, and NicoVitus Orange were planted, are up and in the garden now.


Cassies Purple Pods are coming up too!


My Painted Mountain corn is coming up.


The purple podded pole beans from @flowerbug arent up yet, but should be any day now. Supposed to have sunshine on Sunday with no rain!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Rains totaled 9 1/4” over 2 weeks. We actually got a couple of days with no rain, but it came roaring back last night. Heavy downpours and thunder woke me up several times, still raining but will clear off around noon.
A lady that ordered 10 chickens picked them up yesterday, neatly vacuum sealed and frozen. She and her elderly parents have a blueberry farm. The early varieties were injured by the record breaking cold (-6F) snow and ice storms we had in February, so no early blueberries. The varieties that should be ready in another 2 weeks probably won’t be ready until late or end of June because of all the rain and cooler than normal weather we have had. She and her 76 year old Dad planted 9 acres in various vegetables, only for many to fail or stall in production. She said Farmers Markets are rather bare as everyone is having the same problems.

Of course the buyers don’t understand why there are no tables loaded with luscious vegetables for them to buy. Our population is conditioned to whatever they want, at any time of year, no matter what the season, so how can we expect anyone to understand local weather has anything to do with local production?

It almost make me glad that I am so far behind on my garden. Otherwise I would have planted gobs of stuff like I normally do and would have had spectacular failures.

We still have 23 Cornish Cross chickens to put in the freezer. DD and granddaughters are coming Monday and stay through Thursday or Friday, so we will drop everything and play with kids. LOL Supposed to be possible rainy weather all week, great, just great.

Maybe by mid June I can return to my garden and stick seeds of SOMETHING in the soil. When the rains finally stop, summer heat will hit us like a ton of bricks.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Rains totaled 9 1/4” over 2 weeks. We actually got a couple of days with no rain, but it came roaring back last night. Heavy downpours and thunder woke me up several times, still raining but will clear off around noon.
A lady that ordered 10 chickens picked them up yesterday, neatly vacuum sealed and frozen. She and her elderly parents have a blueberry farm. The early varieties were injured by the record breaking cold (-6F) snow and ice storms we had in February, so no early blueberries. The varieties that should be ready in another 2 weeks probably won’t be ready until late or end of June because of all the rain and cooler than normal weather we have had. She and her 76 year old Dad planted 9 acres in various vegetables, only for many to fail or stall in production. She said Farmers Markets are rather bare as everyone is having the same problems.

Of course the buyers don’t understand why there are no tables loaded with luscious vegetables for them to buy. Our population is conditioned to whatever they want, at any time of year, no matter what the season, so how can we expect anyone to understand local weather has anything to do with local production?

It almost make me glad that I am so far behind on my garden. Otherwise I would have planted gobs of stuff like I normally do and would have had spectacular failures.

We still have 23 Cornish Cross chickens to put in the freezer. DD and granddaughters are coming Monday and stay through Thursday or Friday, so we will drop everything and play with kids. LOL Supposed to be possible rainy weather all week, great, just great.

Maybe by mid June I can return to my garden and stick seeds of SOMETHING in the soil. When the rains finally stop, summer heat will hit us like a ton of bricks.
Oh My !!! We could actually use some of your rains. Everything has looked and acted like we would get rain. Then only light shower that does not move the rain gauge. It is COLD again after a few days in the upper 80's (too soon) They are actually saying we COULD get frost tonight! I sure hope not.
My friend Cathy has a You Pick Flower farm. She wanted to open by mid June. But with late frosts and cool temps her flowers are delayed.
Yah, she has had people show up already expecting FLOWERS !

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