What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Ran the sprinklers in the dahlia garden.

I had a "snickering at the neighbors" moment the other day. It has now passed to irritation. The lot two doors down and a tiny bit uphill has automatic sprinklers running every morning. Problem is that one swings way out into the street. Yeah, waters asphalt. Could be worse! These same sprinklers ran right through the entire month of October in a recent year -- filling the yard (& sidewalk) with ice, repeatedly!

I'm just as methodical ... yeah, I'm on a water schedule and just fitting myself back on it for 2017. I wonder how many local gardeners decided that the 1/10" of rain on 9 June was sufficient to change their irrigation schedule?

I've got the sprinklers in place but, I did have to drag a hose 20 yards. Happy to do it! Sometimes I modify the duration of the sprinklers, seldom do I miss a day. I just don't easily have a day or rain drop to spare. Gettin it dun!

If an inch or more water is required for a garden each week and I have two days available to get it on, it's important to be there with that hose. Yeah, we had some rain sprinkles but there wasn't a single 1/2" storm in May and the rain isn't likely to be any greater from here on until the neighbor's sprinklers cover the sidewalk and street with ice in October ...

;) Steve


Deeply Rooted
Feb 13, 2016
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Mossyrock, WA
we have had rain every day enough I have only watered like three times this year somehow what I
have planted sprouted in the greenhouse


Deeply Rooted
May 19, 2016
Reaction score
I bought hoses, soaker hoses and one of those garden wands/waterers. Wow I can't believe I just got around to using one. It reallys puts the water where it belongs.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
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East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I got all of my purchased cabbage in their beds. it took a little work bc I needed to till one of the bed areas, put up the sides and shovel extra garden dirt into both of them. I thought that I bought 24 but it ended up 20 (I think)--it's been a LOOOONNNNGGG gardening day! I emptied cheapo packages of columbine, parsley and chrysanthemums into each bed. I soaked the cabbage and have to soak and mulch both beds before I leave for Alaska. I Preen'd the first pepper bed and planted 3/4 of the last peppers. The last one was a little bit small, so I tucked it into the water trough with all of the tomatoes bc it will stay moist there while I am gone. ALL of the rest of the peppers are caged now. I guilted my family into helping me harvest cherries. The one tree is covered with ripe fruit, but the other one hasn't even blushed yet. Here's hoping that they will be ready to harvest in two weeks, as usually happens.
I had started some bedding plants from seed and I don't want to wear out DD with too many chores, so I moved them to a planter outside that doesn't drain and filled it so that it has a puddle in it. Supposed to rain on Thursday and I'm pretty sure that the little flowers will be ok.
You should know that I used my shovel to make a deep hole for all of the cabbages and that I dug 3 more 10" deep holes for the final pepper planting.
Didn't get to the roosters, but I was up at 5AM, will be up at 4AM tomorrow, so at first light my 2 lucky roosters will get to go on summer vacation to freezer camp. I can't in right conscience ask ANYBODY else to deal with them while I am away. Time for bed. :th

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I got all of my purchased cabbage in their beds. it took a little work bc I needed to till one of the bed areas, put up the sides and shovel extra garden dirt into both of them. I thought that I bought 24 but it ended up 20 (I think)--it's been a LOOOONNNNGGG gardening day! I emptied cheapo packages of columbine, parsley and chrysanthemums into each bed. I soaked the cabbage and have to soak and mulch both beds before I leave for Alaska. I Preen'd the first pepper bed and planted 3/4 of the last peppers. The last one was a little bit small, so I tucked it into the water trough with all of the tomatoes bc it will stay moist there while I am gone. ALL of the rest of the peppers are caged now. I guilted my family into helping me harvest cherries. The one tree is covered with ripe fruit, but the other one hasn't even blushed yet. Here's hoping that they will be ready to harvest in two weeks, as usually happens.
I had started some bedding plants from seed and I don't want to wear out DD with too many chores, so I moved them to a planter outside that doesn't drain and filled it so that it has a puddle in it. Supposed to rain on Thursday and I'm pretty sure that the little flowers will be ok.
You should know that I used my shovel to make a deep hole for all of the cabbages and that I dug 3 more 10" deep holes for the final pepper planting.
Didn't get to the roosters, but I was up at 5AM, will be up at 4AM tomorrow, so at first light my 2 lucky roosters will get to go on summer vacation to freezer camp. I can't in right conscience ask ANYBODY else to deal with them while I am away. Time for bed. :th

What a day! :thI am hoping I will get to have a long day in the garden soon. I have to finish planting in the next few days.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
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Seacoast NH zone 5
i'm behind doing most of what i wanted. the potatoes got in the ground last week. most everything else has gone in between last weekend & this weekend. still need to get the peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, corn & a few squash plants in.

so far this season has been off to a slow start with the weather here being gloomy, cold & wet. now the mosquitoes are just a bunch of pests if you don't go out covered in bug spray from head to toes! the beans should enjoy the weather now.

the apple trees surprised me this year. a few i grafted in 2013 flowered & are showing signs they will give me a few fruits! i had to stake those 2 trees today since i didn't bother to do that when they started growing like Bonsai trees. 1 slumped over from the weight but also because the rootstock is known for not having a lot of roots to anchor it without staking. the other just had a mishap with the name tag put on it with metal wire & eventually it just grew around part of the wire & caused it to girdle a little & grew at an angle then grew somewhat upright.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Decided not to plant as much as I usually do, but still ended up with a big garden this year. Raised beds still need some work, then a few odds and ends will go in there. But most everything got planted yesterday and today. Just the last couple rows at the bottom to go. Bush beans, flowers, etc.


The big circle in the middle is a giant bean tent for the girls to play in. They were really big help this year, both of them; planted all the corn, sunflowers, cukes and glads themselves! :)


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
Took down 4 pine trees and cut them up for workshop firewood. Added all the limbs to the burn pile and burned it. Glad to get the burn pile cleaned up now instead of waiting and looking at it until fall. Also caged the rest of the tomatoes, and gave the extra tomato and pepper plants to a friend. We are almost done with the planting for the season. Setting up water system tomorrow and mulching and then it will be down to the weed, bug, bird, gopher, and deer wars. And then maybe get a harvest lol. Maybe!:fl


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
Decided not to plant as much as I usually do, but still ended up with a big garden this year. Raised beds still need some work, then a few odds and ends will go in there. But most everything got planted yesterday and today. Just the last couple rows at the bottom to go. Bush beans, flowers, etc.

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The big circle in the middle is a giant bean tent for the girls to play in. They were really big help this year, both of them; planted all the corn, sunflowers, cukes and glads themselves! :)

Looks like you guys will have a nice garden this year. :clap


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Looks like you guys will have a nice garden this year. :clap

Thanks, I hope it will be pretty one too! If it fills out how I see it in my mind, I may be the one hiding in the bean teepee...it will be my happy place, lol. I don't usually plant so many flowers in the main garden, but I'm trying to use up a ton of leftover seed this year. I didn't buy any seed this year at all because I wasn't even sure we would have a garden. I seriously restrained myself on the tomatoes this year too, which made everything go in easier. Only thing I bought was 6 hot banana pepper plants and 6 bell peppers.