Say Cheese!


Deeply Rooted
Sep 17, 2013
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Central Ohio, zone 5b
You know SeedO ... those "documentaries" written by " independent researchers" are more often than not written by those that have an axe to grind with any for profit business. My father was a Vet. and practiced in Europe and when we immigrated to the US he was a milk tester for all dairies in San Juaquin County in central Cal. . Then he thought Freshmen Vet Students Anatomy at UC Davis in Cal. for 27 years. I worked at the Veterinary Pathology Dept. at UC Davis . I have been to many a dairy to collect pathological samples during necropsies performed by the dairy resident Vets. as well as random samples for any pathogens that may be present in all areas of the dairies. All samples are tested at UC Davis Bacteriology labs, as well as histology samples studied by Vets. with PHDs. These samples are also sent to State Health Department Labs. for double blind studies. So, I tend to give much more credence to University Scientific research that is pear reviewed rather than " independent researchers". with their slant of views. This thread speaks of cheese ... the cheese is a dairy product and if the processors of dairy milk into cheese , dairies, truckers, stores , etc. all didn't make a profit there wouldn't be any cheese for anyone here to enjoy. If the dairies are as bad as some of these " independent researchers" claim, they wouldn't be in business for very long as the State Health Departments anywhere in the US would step in post haste, and anyone that would get sick would file lawsuits galore.

I respect the fact that you have much more experience than I when it comes to dairies and the system that works with them. Like I said before though, that's still California (a state who's government cares about where it's peoples' food comes from). There's corruption in the system as a whole. Small farms throughout much of the U.S. for ridiculous reasons such as selling canned goods without a "canning license." As far as I'm concerned, the most serious thing that California is dealing with agriculture-wise is water laws.

"If the dairies are as bad as some of these " independent researchers" claim, they wouldn't be in business for very long as the State Health Departments anywhere in the US would step in post haste, and anyone that would get sick would file lawsuits galore."

I would be so sure that the State Health Departments would step in to shut farms like that down. (Like I said before, corruption in the system. And it's spread through all areas like a cancer.) And sure anybody that would get sick would file lawsuits galore, but that doesn't mean that the head of the dairy would allow them to win that lawsuit. They have both the money and the lawyers to make sure that they don't lose.

Humans are extremely biased and opinionated creatures, this clouds their visions from the actual truth. All that we have is opinion and opinion that is widely accepted. Everybody has "slants of views' and most of us also have an axe to grind. I'm not saying that my view is right (because I'm certain that I'm not completely right). I guess that what I'm trying to say is that "everything is not as it seems."


Deeply Rooted
Sep 17, 2013
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Central Ohio, zone 5b
If Peta was involuted in making the documentaries, I would take it with a grain of salt. They are not known for telling the truth.

I cant's stand PETA. I am for animal rights and against animal abuse (I have morals). But those extremists took things way too far, contorting the truth and exaggerating things along the way.


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
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Lower Hudson Valley, New York
I lost most of my respect for PETA when I found out that nearly all of the rescued animals are automatically euthanized; that somehow they consider killing cats and dogs more humane that leaving them with their owners on the grounds that "animals such as cats and dogs are abominations that should never have been created" What little I had left evaporated when I asked a member back in college why they opposed a plan to reduce a local cow herd by use of contraceptives (rather than killing members off) and they said that using them "violated the cows right to unfettered reproduction" (while still maintaining that the cows should be all confiscated and euthanized)
I have come to the conclusion that many of the more extreme members of PETA are not so much "pro-animal" as "anti-human". I have no doubts that, if PETA ever did achieve it's wish of total animal liberation, they'd then just take up the cause of protecting the rights of plants, protists, fungi etc.) Someday we'll probably see protests against the use of medicine (or even attempts to mandate universal perpetual use of immunosupessants) so as to "stop the slaughter of billions of innocent viruses and bacteria"


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
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Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I lost most of my respect for PETA when I found out that nearly all of the rescued animals are automatically euthanized; that somehow they consider killing cats and dogs more humane that leaving them with their owners on the grounds that "animals such as cats and dogs are abominations that should never have been created" What little I had left evaporated when I asked a member back in college why they opposed a plan to reduce a local cow herd by use of contraceptives (rather than killing members off) and they said that using them "violated the cows right to unfettered reproduction" (while still maintaining that the cows should be all confiscated and euthanized)
I have come to the conclusion that many of the more extreme members of PETA are not so much "pro-animal" as "anti-human". I have no doubts that, if PETA ever did achieve it's wish of total animal liberation, they'd then just take up the cause of protecting the rights of plants, protists, fungi etc.) Someday we'll probably see protests against the use of medicine (or even attempts to mandate universal perpetual use of immunosupessants) so as to "stop the slaughter of billions of innocent viruses and bacteria"


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
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Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
A relative of my husbands is a dairy farmer in upstate NY. They always drank their own fresh milk. It seemed well run but, how would I know. One thing that has always stuck with me was that he sad that as soon as a cow got sick it went straight to becoming a Big Mac. I get it that you probably could not afford to merely stick a couple of thousand dollar in a hole because it got sick. But, one more reason that I would never eat there.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
I respect the fact that you have much more experience than I when it comes to dairies and the system that works with them. Like I said before though, that's still California (a state who's government cares about where it's peoples' food comes from). There's corruption in the system as a whole. Small farms throughout much of the U.S. for ridiculous reasons such as selling canned goods without a "canning license." As far as I'm concerned, the most serious thing that California is dealing with agriculture-wise is water laws.

"If the dairies are as bad as some of these " independent researchers" claim, they wouldn't be in business for very long as the State Health Departments anywhere in the US would step in post haste, and anyone that would get sick would file lawsuits galore."

I would be so sure that the State Health Departments would step in to shut farms like that down. (Like I said before, corruption in the system. And it's spread through all areas like a cancer.) And sure anybody that would get sick would file lawsuits galore, but that doesn't mean that the head of the dairy would allow them to win that lawsuit. They have both the money and the lawyers to make sure that they don't lose.

Humans are extremely biased and opinionated creatures, this clouds their visions from the actual truth. All that we have is opinion and opinion that is widely accepted. Everybody has "slants of views' and most of us also have an axe to grind. I'm not saying that my view is right (because I'm certain that I'm not completely right). I guess that what I'm trying to say is that "everything is not as it seems."
One of my son's father in law owns a law firm with 13 lawyers specializing in agriculture water rights, so I can write a 10 volume book on the subject. California is NOT the only State that cares about where it's peoples' food comes from. Why do you think that the States have Land Grant Universities ? How about Health Departments ? How about State Agriculture Departments ? How about the State Attorney Generals ? How about the State Welfare Departments ? Etc. It seams that you have taken on some of the views of some that " everything is not as it seems" for their own agenda. Why do so many folks sell their canned goods at farmer's markets without a " canning license" and these "independent researchers" have no problem with it ? Are these " independent researchers" corrupt too ? Oh Grasshopper, open your eyes ... you have much to learn ! :old


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA

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