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  1. adoptedbyachicken

    The Low-Down On Manures

    Cows use up the protein in their diet with milk production maybe? Would they really be comparing feed lot beef production (male or female, but mostly steers) manure to dairy cow manure?
  2. adoptedbyachicken

    Hummers are Here!!

    We saw one female on the 25th and none since. :( Normally they are here by now, and we most often have droves of them at first. We can have so many we can't count them at the 2 feeders, but in a still shot guessed at 33 once. When the wildflowers come out the numbers here at the feeders fall...
  3. adoptedbyachicken

    stand up to Monsanto

    Please review the rules regarding political posting.
  4. adoptedbyachicken

    Anti-EPA House Votes To Let Agribusiness Dump Pesticides In Our Water

    Enough. Please review the rules, too many broken here to list them! Sadly politics just can't be discussed without degrading to attacking each other so please keep it off the board, period.
  5. adoptedbyachicken

    Would like to buy Genetically Modified Seeds for Vegetables

    Folks you can put your opinion up politely or you can leave the thread without posting. There will always be two sides to this debate, respect the other one or your say in your side will be removed, and so might be your posting privileges. This is the only warning this thread will have, you...
  6. adoptedbyachicken

    A good reason to grow your own poultry feed

    Here is one place to start. Many threads at BYC on this too.
  7. adoptedbyachicken

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I planted 2 round bales of hay into feeders surrounded by snow. They sprouted horses the minute the tractor was out of the way, amazing! Indoors the Amaryllis have started to grow. My February pick me up - hold me through till spring outside - sanity flowers. :cool:
  8. adoptedbyachicken

    Why I am Fat

    Well we warmed up to -3 C today so that's about 27 F, not bad at all. I'm glad it did not get to the mucky stage as that would just make for lots of ice, and a surface skin of ice for sealing the soil. Then come spring the melt can't soak up, it has to run off. Here the soil is high clay so...
  9. adoptedbyachicken

    Why I am Fat

    Really. I have -21 C happening here, and overnight the wind was 50 kph folks, so don't be whining about 60 F! :lol: I'm getting my exercise getting extra feed to a horse that is shivering, the rest are find but she is a TWH that is tall and lean so she has more surface area to mass than my...
  10. adoptedbyachicken

    Why I am Fat

    I am saving money with my newer healthy eating because there are few things I can have for lunch if I don't take food to work with me. Eating drive thru is just not much of an option anymore. The higher vegies and lower meat is cost saving, but the pasta and rice being lower is not. Replacing...
  11. adoptedbyachicken

    Why I am Fat

    I often get the diabetic cooking magazine off the newsstand. That is healthy cooking for sure, and all should eat that way. It's high in vegies and fruits and fibers and low in the higher glycemic index stuff that just makes you crave more of the same. I have to strive to stay at the same...
  12. adoptedbyachicken

    Why I am Fat

    Oh thank you for that. I feel so much better about staying on the couch. ;) 2 years ago when a pre-surgical exam showed me 185 lbs (I did not even own a scale then) I decided that sometime between high school and then I had gradually gained and not noticed, so I should loose the same way. I...
  13. adoptedbyachicken

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Looking at those pictures I could just cry. We just got our first snow! It's gone but I know soon it will be here to stay. I planted amaryllis this week, 2 of them for my coffee table, they are my winter pick-me-up, keep me sane in the long dark plants.
  14. adoptedbyachicken

    salon and spa directory in canada

    Thanks, that one was banned already, but I see I forgot to take out the link! Most just got deleted entirely.
  15. adoptedbyachicken

    Small Garden

    Your right, this is a very easy going crowd, and we appreciate it! However the downside to that is that if you need us for trolls or spammers you need to hail us because we lurk here less. Honestly the reason I lurk here less this last 2 years is my return to school part time thus the bare...
  16. adoptedbyachicken


    Click on report in the bottom right of the spammer's post and just type in spam on the report box. That hails every Moderator and Admin right to the post by direct link. I spent a few hours cleaning up last night, but if you see any I missed or new ones just report them. When (if) we see a...
  17. adoptedbyachicken

    Chive flowers

    So don't click on the siggy links. Click on the word 'report' on the lower right of the spammer's post. That hails every Moderator and Admin to the very post by link. Give a reason in the box, just spam, or offensive or whatever fits your reason for reporting. If you leave them for us to...
  18. adoptedbyachicken

    Small Garden

    We are everywhere and nowhere, lost till you call us. All you need to do is click on the word 'report' on the lower right of the spammer's post. That hails every Moderator and Admin to the very post by link. Give a reason in the box, just spam, or offensive or whatever fits your reason for...
  19. adoptedbyachicken

    salon and spa directory in canada

    You all have the power. All you need to do is click on the word 'report' on the lower right of the spammer's post. That hails every Moderator and Admin to the very post by link. Give a reason in the box, just spam, or offensive or whatever fits your reason for reporting. If you leave them...
  20. adoptedbyachicken

    PLEASE HELP rid my world of English Ivy, buttercups and morning glory

    If you read here how to kill bindweed that works on Morning Glory too. I have not tried it with English Ivy (sorry, hate to say this but I'd love some of that here, but we can't grow it :( ) but it would likely work. You need to keep the top alive to kill the roots, as backward as that sounds.