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    Any good broccoli raab recipes?

    I've grown it and I don't know what to do with it.
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    Has anyone ever used Tansy in their garden to keep away squash bug? I saw it advertised in a seed catalogue and and wondered if it worked.
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    Butternut squash

    Has anyone ever tried substituting butternut squah for pumpkin? I have had no luck with pumkins yet, but I have a ton of butternut squash. Thanks!
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    Overwintering herbs

    Has anyone ever kept tarragon and thyme through the winter? I have a sun room that I keep plants in and have had mixed success keeping them alive. Should I divide them before I bring them in? If they are going to die, I will just harvest and dry the leaves. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks!
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    Zucchinis are alive again!

    Hello! This is only my second year gardening and I made a rookie mistake. I accidentally fried my zucchini plants' leaves by spraying them for powdery mildew when it was sunny. This happened last week. Now they have started to bounce back with new growth but I only have a couple of male...
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    I can't believe that worked!

    So last year I randomly bought a 4 pack of tomato plants and I had a huge amount of success with them. I had tons of beautiful roma tomatoes all season. Because I am a little bit of a lazy gardener, and I didn't want to mess with saving their seeds, I planted some of the tomatoes in the gound...
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    Blooming Holly?

    Hello! I was given a holly bush a couple of years ago. I planted it in my front yard and it grew. Maybe it is a little leggy, but it is fine. Then this year I look out in the front yard and there is all this stuff on the branches. I thought it was pollen, but they are light yellow blooms. I...
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    Daylillies Taking Over

    Hello! Kaycei's question reminded me of a question. Can I divide my daylillies now? They have grown a ton already this spring and are crowding some of my Asiatic lillies. There are no blooms yet, only foliage. I know they are very hardy, so would they be traumatized if I cut them in half...
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    Rough edges on seedlings

    Hello! I have noticed that my seedling have ragged edges, both in my vegetable and flower gardens. I have not spotted any slugs (although I guess they could be hiding :)) and I thought rabbits and squirrels would eat the plant all the way to the ground. I know this is not a lot to go on...
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    Another raised bed question

    Hello! I am using 8" untreated pine boards for my raised beds. I have dug the clay soil underneath 1 foot deep and turned it over. However some grass/weeds are still showing. I was going to fill the boxes with 4" of topsoil. Will this be enough to suppress the weeds? If not should I add...
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    Dead asparagus?

    Hello! I planted my asparagus crowns a couple of weeks ago and nothing has come up. I planted them on the first day of spring and now I think I may have planted them too late. Should I expect some sprouts/stalks this year? Thanks!
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    Spring frost!

    Hello, I just checked the weather for my area of North Carolina and they are predicitng a freeze for Tuesday night. It will be 31 degrees at the lowest point of the night. What should I cover? I have several varieties of wildflowers just starting to sprout in the garden. A few established day...
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    cross pollination

    Hello! I bought some heirloom pepper seeds and noticed that they suggested planting them a long way away from each other to prevent cross pollination. I really don't have the space to do that and I really don't feel like growing my peppers under domes. So if I plant all of my peppers within...
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    Starting Chives

    Is there some secret to starting chives? I treat them like any of my other sprouts, heat on the bottom, and covered loosely with plastic wrap, but I can't seem to even sprout them. Do they need some special treatment?
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    Hardy Grass

    Hello! I have a 2 year old lab who is tearing up our lawn. She doesn't dig but we do play alot of frisbee with her and as she tries to catch the frisbee her claw rip up our "grass". I wrote "grass" because my DH and I could care less about grass and so our lawn is a combination of clover...
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    Geez! how many fertilizers should I buy?

    Hello! I am reallly expanding my garden this year and I will be planting both potatoes and asparagus. I have seen specialized fertilizers for both of these veg but I don't know if I should invest in them. Has anyone had a lot more success using these fertilizers? Are they considered...
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    Blueberry cuttings

    Hello! My husband would love to grow some of the blueberries his grandmother has in her yard. I know that you can take cutting, soak them, then plant them in sand and peat moss until they grow roots, but where do you cut from on the original plant? Will any old branch do? If you have any...
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    Suggestions for sowing perennial seeds

    Hello! My flower garden was a disaster this year. So I am determined to succeed next year. I read that you should sow you perennial seeds in the fall for next year, but when do you do this? I am worried that they will sprout since temps are low 80s/ 50s here and we wont get our first frost...
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    Worms in a cold frame

    Hello! My parents are replacing the windows in their old house, beautiful 5 foot tall ones, and I thought this would be a perfect oppurtunity to recycle them into some cold frames. Has anyone ever stored their vermiculture bin in a cold frame over the winter? I would of course try to prevent...
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    pumpkin surgery

    Hello! I planted pumkins a bit late this year, so to increase the chances that I would have a Halloween pumpkin I picked one plant and have been giving lots of TLC. Well "Bob" the chosen pumpkin has been coming along fine when I noticed the orangish goop from the squash vine borer on the...